Best During Production Inspection in China

Leeline Sourcing IMPLEMENTS cutting-edge technology to remove all QUALITY ISSUES at various stages. You Get 100% EFFECTIVE inventory matching your requirements. Shipping To SOURCING, we have all. 

Boost your business PROGRESS with us! 

During Production Inspection


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Our services

Our During Production Inspection Services Include:

Committed to providing you with a wide range of services.

On-Site Tests

On-Site Tests

Our INSPECTION experts reach the manufacturing site. Performs the ON-SITE tests to ensure the QUALITY production process at the SPOT. 

You get a 100% QUALITY CONTROL setup at the SPOT.



We ensure HIGH artistry from the SUPPLIERS. Our experts apply STRICT quality criteria. The Products REACH the HIGHEST level of ACCURACY. 


Packaging & Labeling

Packaging & Labeling

We not only INSPECT but also pack the items. Our team COUNTS the number of products. Labels them under your BUSINESS LOGO. And makes them READY for shipments. 

EXPLORE more advantages with CUSTOM LABELING with our services!

Product Functionality

Product Functionality

We test the PRODUCT. Check each component of the ITEM. Ensure Each part of the MACHINE you are buying QUALIFIES ISO standards. 

Get FULL-FLEDGED product functionality with our experts.

Product Performance

Product Performance

We believe in the OPTIMAL performance of the products. So we guarantee it during our PRODUCT INSPECTION. 

Get 100% EFFICIENCY of the products with our product inspections.


Physical Requirements & Dimensions

Each product has some PHYSICAL dimensions. We make it match your REQUIREMENTS. 


Advantages of During Production Inspection

Identify Trading Risks 

Identify Trading RisksĀ 

Trading risks increase when you randomly CHOOSE a supplier

Maybe that supplier doesnā€™t provide you with RELEVANT quality products. With Dupro Inspection, our TEAM ensures you get SAFE inventory. 

So, NO MORE TRADING RISKS on your end.

More Sales with High Profits

High Profits

We choose products with HIGHER margins. So you ship them to your CUSTOMERS. 

MORE customers will move to your BUSINESS when you sell such products. 

Speed UP your sales with HIGHER profits with our team! 

More Quality Selling

More Selling

In the DUPRO inspection, our team works in an INTEGRATED manner. No compromise on the QUALITY. We Remove the DEFECTIVE products or donā€™t buy from the LOW-QUALITY suppliers. 

More QUALITY SELLING brings more customers. 

About us

Why Choose Leeline Sourcing?

There are MANY REASONS to prefer us. 

  • 100% SATISFIED CONSUMERS. Our previous CLIENTS ARE impressed with our FLAWLESS PRODUCT quality inspection services. Most of our NEW CLIENTS turn into LONG-TERMS. All this is POSSIBLE due to the END to END support while SOURCING and SHIPPING. 
  • Special ATTENTION to your business REQUIREMENTS. We are on TOP because we pay HEED to your requirements. We GUARANTEE all our CORRECTIVE actions FIX your ISSUES to the BEST. 
  • Excellent Customer Service. We are AVAILABLE 24/7. Just a DISTANCE of a CLICK, and you got us. Excellent support helps you establish your businesses. 
  • One-Stop-Solution. We Not ONLY INSPECT but also SHIP. Custom CLEARANCE is not a BIG deal. You GET products at your doorstep. 

 Efficient, Professional and Cheap During Production Inspection from China 

Do not hesitate to contact Leeline Sourcing at any time regarding your quality control from China.

our satisfied Clients

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2000+ Clients Trust LeelineSourcing

I sourced all kinds of stuff for my company for about 1 year with Leelin. They have really good service, their team is polite and trustworthy. I definitely recommend you to work with them.


I worked with Leelin for 2-3 years to build my brand. They check each item and does my customs clearance get into Amazon warehouse. I love their service, it saves me a lot of time. If you are also developing your business in China, they will help you do it smoothly. 


Working with Leelin is really positive, they are honest and reliable. I recommend their services to anyone who has a business that needs to ship products from china or needs to inspect items. 


During Production Inspection

Hi Retailers! During PRODUCTION inspection is 100% of WHAT you sell in your BUSINESS. 

No QUALITY, No customers. Even if you get SOME customers, they LEAVE you ALONE. So, QUALITY control ensures HIGH INTEGRITY. 

Do you know the SECRET of SUCCESS? 

PRODUCT INSPECTIONS during the production process. 

Our experts at LEELINE SOURCING have helped retailers and drop shippers. You get COMPLETE safety during the manufacturing process. Impress Your CUSTOMERS with 100% QUALITY PRODUCTS. 

So, are you CURIOUS to know more about the PRODUCTION inspections? 

Letā€™s KNOW MORE about QUALITY control during the manufacturing process. 


During Production Inspection

What Is During Production Inspection?

The NAME indicates ALL. 

During production is an inspection in the MANUFACTURING process. 

The quality CONTROL team manually INSPECTS products. Measures Their DEVIATIONS. PREPARE a detailed REPORT

And ENSURES all the products are PERFECT from dimensional and QUALITATIVE aspects. 

DUPRO inspections usually start after 10-15% of productions have been completed. Such inspections are GOOD for finding POSSIBLE defects. 

Why Are During Production Inspections Necessary?

During Production Inspections Necessary

DUPRO INSPECTIONS are QUITE CRUCIAL for business progress. The whole ORDER comes in ONE PLACE at one TIME. 

Here are some pros. 

  • Quality Inventory 

Quality is an IMPORTANT part of the businessā€™s success. 

Inspections ensure it in the VERY BEST way. So you DRIVE more sales. You produce MORE CUSTOMERS with QUALITY products at no delay. 

  • Timely productions 

Do you want products on time? 

Is that RIGHT? 

Follow-up with the DUPRO inspection is the BEST IDEA in this RESPECT. During Production, you see their production speed and procedures. It gives you a clear idea of when to expect final products.Ā 

Factories follow the GIVEN TIME. You get an EXACT QUANTITY of products upon request. 

  • Factories comply with the Rules 

A factory follows all the RULES that quality product inspection specifies. Compliance Is 100% CRUCIAL. 

So you IMPRESS more customers with Quality. Bring MORE sales. And get HIGH brand recognition. 

Inspection, Supplier Audit, Product Testing in China & Asia

We focus exclusively on QUALITY CONTROL. Today hundreds of clients worldwide have selected to trust Leeline Service as their partner for supply chain Management.

How Does During Production Inspection Work?

During Production Inspection Work

The inspection system comes up with different stages. 

At every step, the team has to thoroughly conduct the INSPECTION process and provide a REPORT. 

Here are some points regarding the production schedule and its inspection. 

Step 1: Choosing a RANDOM sample 

The inspection team takes a RANDOM sample to TEST in the laboratory. Donā€™t rely on a single random sample. Better take more than one and test them all. Check their standards and see whatā€™s the average quality issues.Ā 

A random sample gives an IDEA of CORRECTIVE action and product compliance. 

Step 2: Verifying the manufacturing material 

The team checks the product QUALITY based on the material. It is VERY CRUCIAL. 

Step 3: Checking the Package Dimensions 

The inspector checks the package dimensions. 

Whether it has an ACCURATE diameter or not.Ā 

Pro Tip: See if there is any room for improvement or not. Better to use an accurate & Concise box for packaging with protective materials.Ā 

Step 4: Producing the detailed reports

In this step, the inspector prepares a REPORT. It indicates what is the RESULT of the overall inspection. 

What Is Checked During Production?

Checked During Production

Inspectors identify many THINGS in the products. So no worries when PROFESSIONALS conduct the inspection. 

Here is WHAT the inspectors check during production. 

  • Product Quality and Quantity 

The inspection team goes for the quality inspection. They Check the MATERIAL. Test it in the laboratory. 

Moreover, QUANTITY calculation is essential. The team expects an exact number of products.  

  • Defects 

The number of DEFECTIVE products is CHECKED. See what are the weakest points of your product. Where you could improve your product in detail. See all the defects and flaws of your product.Ā 

Later you can remove them. 

Overall output is MAXIMUM. 

  • Packaging Requirements

The inspection team can check the Packing requirements. 

If it meets, it is GREAT. Otherwise further steps might be taken. 

FAQs about During Production Inspection

1. What is being checked in a visual inspection?

The visual inspection gives an IDEA TO a GREATER extent.Ā 
Ā· Product Visual defects are visible.Ā 
Ā· The material idea is Clear.Ā 
Ā· Dimensions and specifications are EVIDENT.Ā 
So the visual INSPECTION plays a CRUCIAL role

2. What sampling method is used in the DUPRO Quality Inspection?

ISO has standardized different sampling methods for the INSPECTION.Ā 
In DUPRO, we use ANSI/ASQC Z1 sampling method.Ā 

3. What is the role of quality control?

Quality control helps in MANY things.Ā 
Ā· It helps them QUALITY PRODUCTS.Ā 
Ā· Defective inventory can be avoided before shipping.Ā Ā 
Ā· It boosts sales.Ā 

Whatā€™s Next

Do you want an AUDIT for your supplierā€™s FACTORY? 


YES, 100%. You must CHOOSE the inspection for the PRODUCTION CYCLE to know the PROGRESS. 

Do you want a FACTORY inspection company? 

Get the TOP company in CHINA. We are a POPULAR company in CHINA. Our QUALIFIED experts are adept at assessing the FACTORY. We identify potential risks. Get 100% customer satisfaction. 

Call us RIGHT AWAY! 

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Article by:

Sharline Shaw

Hey I'm Sharline, the founder of Leeline Sourcing. With 10 years of experience in the field of sourcing in China, we help 2000+ clients import from China,Alibaba,1688 to Amazon FBA or shopify. If you have any questions about sourcing , pls feel free to contact us.