Are you looking for fake designer websites? Then, youāve come to the right place. Here, weāre helping you find the best websites that sell wholesale branded clothing at a low price.
With more than a decade of product sourcing knowledge, we have assisted several replica item sellers in sourcing. Weāve filtered out a list of suppliers based on our experience. By following us, youāll be able to find high-quality and low-price products.
Ready to know more about sourcing replica products? Letās get into it!

What is a replica good?
Have you ever wondered how many people seem to afford luxury branded products? Are you looking to buy these branded products at low prices?
Perhaps you could try buying replica goods like them. Replica goods are products with similar appearances but without labels that might infringe on the trademarks of other businesses. Many online wholesalers sell them. There is a huge market and a high demand.
Letās discover the best fake designer websites to source replica goods:
1. Aliexpress

AliExpress is one of the best online wholesale websites if youāre seeking a less expensive option than eBay. You may get the best knockoff products here in bulk, including electronics, mobile phones, and fashion accessories. In addition, youāll discover all the replica bags you need to complete your collection.
I like their prices; they are cheap and durable, unlike similar replicas goods on other sites. But most of them are from China and take a long delivery time for me. It is mainly due to the slow shipping mode.
You can find large and wholesale suppliers on AliExpress. It is a wonderful location to find replica products if youāre trying to establish a wholesale business.
Replica gadgets and fashion accessories are always a famous find on AliExpress. Besides, itās safe to say that if youāre on a tight budget, AliExpress is a great website to get fake AirPods.
- On-time delivery of bulk purchases.
- Fantastic refund and return policy.
- Original products are also available.
- Ideal if youāre just starting in business.
- Not all of the vendors are trustworthy.
- A few problems with certain itemsā quality.
What They Sell
- Fake mobile phones and accessories
- Wholesale replica designer bags
- Replica shoes
- Replica Apple products
Looking for the Best Replica Product Suppliers ?
Leeline Sourcing helps you find factories, get competitive prices, follow up production, ensure quality and deliver products to the door.
2. Replicaonline

Replicaonline is one of the more commonly used Chinese replica websites. It is because it values its customers above everything else. Thus, they go above and beyond to ensure that the customers are delighted.
As this shows by name, they are only focused on Replicas. I found their designs and approach closer to the original ones.
Their items are sold worldwide in places such as Dubai, Australia, and the United States. Their strict, fair pricing strategy benefits both themselves and their customers. Moreover, it is in line with the caliber of their offerings.
If you want to find replica fashion accessories, Replicaonline is a good choice.
- Transparent and easy return policy.
- Live customer care.
- Products of high quality.
- There isnāt a single pricey item in their assortment because they realize that cost is what first lures individuals to replica purses, watches, and shoes.
- Offers express shipping around the world.
- Only sells fashion-related replicas.
- Only accepts Visa, MasterCard, and Western Union as their payment methods.
What They Sell
- Replica handbags
- Replica watches
- Replica shoes
3. DHgate

You can consider this website a wholesale and retail platform. The DHGate suppliers typically donāt require large orders.
I used DHgate for both original and replica goods. They are a large number of suppliers and manufacturers. I prefer them for mostly private labeling than sourcing replicas.
When youāre finding anything specific, it takes skill to shop from these websites. It is because they do not list the actual brand names. But, the replicas are identical to the originals when you visit the review area. Always feel free to contact the seller if you are confused.
These websites host wholesale replica suppliers with more than 40 million products. You may browse whenever it suits you.
You can find an unbelievable selection of replica sneakers on DHgate. If you choose the proper vendor, the replicas sold on DHgate are of good quality.
- There are affordable replicas.
- Wide range of products.
- Attentive and quick to respond to inquiries.
- Not all vendors provide wholesale prices.
- Finding the right products will take time because they have custom brand names.
- To identify trustworthy sellers, you must conduct research.
What They Sell
- Replica shoes
- Replica designer clothes
- Replica handbags
- Replica watches
Suggested reading: Dhgate Paypal
Suggested reading: Dhgate Shipping Time
Suggested reading: How to apply for a refund on Dhgate?
4. RepFashions

RepFashions is founded by a few streetwear and fashion enthusiasts due to their love for hip trends. It is one of the best sites for hype fashion replica products.
I shop a good amount of street fashion replica goods from there. Well, If you talk about quality, then I found them good. Yet need some improvement.
Its mission is to offer the best streetwear fashion replicas at the lowest possible cost.
At RepFashions, you might be able to find many counterfeit goods of designer clothing. They sell the best-quality UA sneakers, backpacks, hoodies, pullover jackets, and windbreakers that are 99% identical to the real thing. Their best selection of knockoff designer brands includes Bearbrick, Gucci, Burberry, Balen, Off White, and Burberry.
- They constantly improve the quality of their items. They aim to provide only the best replica sneakers, clothes, and bags at affordable prices.
- They deliver by USP to over 150 nations.
- Offers free shipping.
- It has a 100% buyer protection service and provides refund policies.
- Their starting price is $60, and they increase from there.
What They Sell
Various replica streetwear fashion from top brands such as:
- Fear Of God
- Off-White
- Palace
- Palm Angels
- Stone Island
5. Global Sources

Global Sources is a reputable platform that facilitates secure business-to-business transactions and sells wholesale products. It is a sizable wholesale marketplace. 94 of the top 100 trustworthy wholesale vendors conducting business worldwide are on this website.
I recommend Global sources for more original goods at good prices. They have suppliers from not only China but also from other regions too. Well, I found their vendors more trustworthy than others.
This online platform for wholesale and retail did not account for 1.5 million foreign customers overnight. Instead, it was made possible by many satisfied and profitable transactions throughout time.
Here, you may purchase a variety of replica products. Several fake bags looked unreal, but they had a cheap price and were difficult to pass up. It makes sense why their wholesale business took off. Nobody can resist luxury-looking goods with wholesale prices.
Their website is easy to navigate too. For example, youāll find that they organized the product category clearly.
- Access to a large selection of replica fashion items for both men and women
- Cheap prices and quick delivery.
- Bulk orders require detailed research.
What They Sell
- Replica fashion accessories, such as bags, watches, and jewelry
- Replica electronic gadgets and hardware
- Replica clothes
6. Hypeunique

Launched in 2017, Hypeunique is dedicated to offering high-quality but cheap accessories and streetwear. Their main objective is selling the best knockoffs of popular streetwear brands like Off-White and Bape.
Well, not only replica goods, but I say they are good for white labeling. You get your items and just add some branding, then market it. The perfect strategy to make short money!
They have professional product review videos on YouTube. Therefore, customers may check all the product details before making a purchase. In addition, it sets them apart from other stores that sell similar replica items.
Hypeunique is one of the best sites for people interested in fashionable shoes, clothes, and other accessories.
- Provides replica items of high quality.
- Will demonstrate the clothingās intricate features, such as thread trimmings, emblems, and wash labels.
- Offers 24/7 online response within 5 minutes.
- Provides order tracking services.
- Offers shoe size guides to help customers choose the most suitable replica sneakers.
- Can return packages after 7 days of receiving the receipt.
- Delivery takes approximately 9-14 days.
What They Sell
Hype fashion replicas from top brands such as:
- Off-White
- Yeezy
- Balenciaga
- Air Jordan
- Nike
7. We Replica

For the love of fashion, We Replica was created. Its goal is to be the best-priced luxury-product supplier in the world.
In just three years since its founding, We Replica has come a long way to serve its cherished clients worldwide and assist them in becoming more stylish and self-assured.
We Replica also has detailed review videos of their replica items. They also have a blog about how to source replica goods. You can join their Telegram group to get in touch with other buyers.
On their website, they also proudly show their positive customer feedback.
- Has many high-quality replica goods.
- Provides various offers and discounts.
- Product category is divided into type, color, and price, making the website easy to navigate.
- You can request the models you want.
- Offers 24/7 customer support.
- The price could be quite high for a replica product.
What They Sell
All kinds of apparel, shoes, and accessories from top brands such as:
- Louis Vuitton
- Gucci
- Prada
- Dolce & Gabbana
Looking to find a reliable Replica goods supplier?
As the best China sourcing agent, we help you find factories, get competitive prices, follow up production, ensure quality and deliver products to the door.
8. Vanilla Monkey

Vanilla Monkey is based in Los Angeles, California. They offer affordable wholesale replicas of high-end and trendy fashion items.
I found these goods closer to originals because they are US-based. More access to designer clothes and easy-to-make replicas.
They almost certainly have anything their clients are looking for. Wholesale clothes and wholesale branded clothes are Vanilla Monkeyās areas of expertise. They offer high-end fashionable clothes with the best workmanship.
They source all the products from hundreds of factories and importers in the Los Angeles area. They provide their clients with an incredible range of quality products.
- Their order processing is swift and reliable.
- Customer service is above average.
- They provide a wide range of colors, designs, and sizes.
- They only keep replica products with the highest quality.
- Has a preorder option.
- Their items range in price from $10 and above.
- Has a minimum order requirement for promotions.
- It requires you to log in to view the product details.
What They Sell
- Replica swimsuits
- Replica athletic gear
- Replica outerwear
- Cosmetics, bags, and accessories
9. Rosegal

A group of close friends with a deep and enduring love for gorgeous apparel and fashion founded Rosegal. Particularly, it is the mix of intimate possibilities that old and contemporary clothes provide. They want to capture the imagination and affections by seamlessly supplying both types of clothes, shoes, and accessories.
Their main feature is plus-sized clothes for women. They provide plus-size dresses for various events, including parties, swimming, and nighttime wear. In addition, their selection of plus-size dresses has a reasonable price, so customers wonāt have to pay a lot to appear lovely and sophisticated. Besides, their membership system allows customers to collect points for more rewards.
- Provides various promotions and coupons.
- Has a wide range of size categories available.
- The website is easy to navigate.
- Should take note of the quality of some replica clothes.
- Free shipping is only available in the US and for orders above $99.
What They Sell
Various apparel and accessories including:
- Tops
- Bottoms
- Dresses
- Gothic
- Halloween
- Jewelry
10. Alibaba

Alibaba is one of the greatest places to start if you want to buy replica products in bulk. The prices are gentle on your wallet, and the goods are mostly genuine. One of the leading suppliers on Alibaba selling counterfeit goods and replica products is Taobao.
Although the majority of the merchants are from China, the wholesale goods are delivered all over the world. Letters of credit, T/T, Western Union, electronic check payment, PayPal, and a credit card are some of the many different payment options they accept.
They provide some pretty incredible prices on replica products. They are well renowned for their electronic products and designer bag replicas that you can buy for a small portion of their retail price.
- Large selection of cheap replicas.
- Affordable and efficient.
- Web and mobile apps that are simple to use.
- Can request samples before making purchases.
- Whenever they ship products from China, delivery delays may occur.
- Selecting a seller carefully is necessary.
What They Sell
- Replica handbags
- 1:1 replica shoes
- Replica designer clothes
- Cheap replica electronics
Suggested reading: Sites Like Alibaba : Alibaba Alternative In China
11. eBay

In 1995, Pierre Omidyar founded eBay. eBay Inc. is a multinational American e-commerce enterprise headquartered in San Jose, California. It enables both business-to-business and consumer-to-consumer purchases through its websites.
Itās one of the biggest online wholesale and retail websites globally. So, it definitely has an insanely vast market. eBay is a good market for me to buy/sell used original items. Yet I also sell replicas without any issue.
There is virtually everything available there. It also has a more reputable system overall, as it is a long-established e-commerce platform.
- Wide variety of products.
- A clear interface.
- Good customer service and return policies.
- Low-cost shipping options.
eBay strictly bans replica items. These items include counterfeit watches, purses, and other accessories. Neither are unauthorized copies of the software, video games, music albums, movies, television shows, or photographs.
Sellers may mention products with an organizationās official brand name or emblem as long as they were legitimately produced by, for, or with the organizationās approval.
So, you might not easily find cheap replica items on eBay.
What They Sell
- Various apparel
- Bags, watches, and other accessories
- Electronics
12. Rotita

Since the companyās founding in 2009, Rotita has prioritized offering customers everywhere cutting-edge and cheap fashion apparel for women available today.
You may buy the newest models at the most competitive price because they release over 400 new high-grade products weekly.
They offer several payment options, ensuring the best payment security. In addition, when you make a payment, Rotita does not collect your credit/debit card number or personal information.
Their customer care team is available to assist you around the clock because they value their customer relationships. You may simply get in touch with them by Facebook, business email, or live chat.
- Unique product design
- Their skilled photographers can capture the specifics of each style by working with models, so you will know precisely what youāre getting when you order with them.
- Simple 30-day return policy.
- The average price is affordable for everybody.
- Have to look out for the quality of certain products.
What They Sell
- Clothing
- Beachwear
- Dresses
- Plus-size
- Jewelry
- Bags
Suggested reading: Best 30 Sourcing Websites
Suggested reading: Best 10 China Shoes Markets
Suggested reading: Best 10 Guangzhou Clothing Wholesale Market
Suggested reading: China Replica Wholesale
FAQs about Fake Designer Websites
Whatās Next
1. How to find a replica marketļ¼
We have listed the 12 best sites that sell replica products at a cheap price. But there are also replica markets in China that provide good deals. The different stores that sell high-quality replica products are:
1. Beijing Silk Market
2. Guangzhou Garment Wholesale Center
3. Shanghai Taobao City
4. Shanghai AP Plaza
2. Where can I buy the best 1:1 original replica Trendy Fashion Accessories?
Dhgate is the top replica online distributor for replica bags, replica sneakers, and replica shirts. Although the selection is smaller and it might be challenging to find products, Alibaba and AliExpress are close behind.Ā
Remember to search for keywords carefully. Confirm that the replica product is AA grade.
3. What are the methods to identify a reliable replica bag supplier onlineļ¼
Firstly, they are most likely trustworthy if they collaborate with well-known designers and companies.
Besides, they should display their contact details on the website. Clear images of the replica handbags should also be available.
Reputable websites always disclose their return policies. Also, remember to search for websites that have received positive reviews.
4.Are QR codes on replica designer items the same as on original products?
No, QR codes on replica designer items are not the same as on original products, despite the replicas often being very similar in all other respects. The usage of QR codes will reach 100.2 million users in 2025, based on Statista forecast. Although, the brands are very slow on adopting this QR codes trend to check product authenticity. So far, only a few brands, such as Gucci and Nikeās Jordan 1, have QR codes to distinguish the authenticity of products. Original products usually haveĀ generated QR codes for product infoĀ that link to the brandās official site, providing extensive information about authenticity, materials, and manufacturing. These QR codes are a part of a brandās security measures and are intricately designed, making them difficult to replicate accurately.You can actually check a replica and a genuine productās QR code yourself by using aĀ QR code scanner. You will see that they are different and they both lead to different online sources.
So, thatās all you need to know about buying and selling replica products! It is not a business without its risks, so try to follow the rules and regulations. The quality of the replica products may vary significantly. Therefore, you must be careful when sourcing these replica products.
Are you looking for fake designer websites for your eCommerce business? Then, we are the name you can trust. Leeline Sourcing has over ten years of experience in negotiating with suppliers. Contact us today to source quality replica goods.