Amazon listing

If was looking to sell say socks and scarfs do I need a website already?


Q: Do most people selling on amazon have a company website. If was looking to sell say socks and scarfs do I need a website already? A: You don’t need a website to get going. But it is necessary if you want register your brand. _____________________________ If you have any more questions about Amazon business, please … Read more

How another seller can have a buy box for my product at a lower price on Amazon?

innovation sails into the shipping industry

Q: Can someone help explain to me how another seller can have a buy box for my product at a lower price on Amazon? A: Shouldn’t be possible if you’re not supplying any one else. Has someone ‘borrowed/hijacked’ your listing?This happened to us in January, so we flung our arms around in a fit of rage… … Read more

Will Amazon fulfillment center be able to ship internationally with the order coming from shopify?


Q: If I integrate Amazon with shopify and keep fba as a shipping method for both but I’m only selling products on Amazon USA, will Amazon fulfillment center be able to ship internationally with the order coming from shopify? A: Once it is, just turn on International Shipping.Type “Expand Offers Internationally” in seller central search. … Read more

Does anybody know if this should be our main keywords?

Essentia acquires Danish protein supplier Scanflavour wrbm large

Q: Manny spoke about using keywords in your product photo titles before uploading them to Amazon. Does anybody know if this should be our main keywords that we’ve already used in the listing or other keywords that aren’t as relevant? Almost using them as another backend tool.. A: This is a lot like Alt-text in … Read more

When I changed something, I dropped in rank and I lost page rank.


Q: I am looking to make some changes to my listings pictures and content. However, in the past when I changed something, I dropped in rank and I lost page rank. I later recouped but it definitely had an effect on sales. Has anyone experienced this? A: Thats obivious as you know Amazon runs with a search … Read more

Do you have any patent attorneys you would like to offer?

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Q: I received a patent infringement letter from a company. I check the patent at USPTO. It is completely different design. They are just made of same material. They are more than 100 products at Amazon same size and shape like mine. My supplier says “they send letter to everyone but nothing happens”. What should … Read more

Using all 5 keyword lines or lumping all keywords together in one single line?

Denmark wind turbines corporate sourcing

Q: Let’s talk back end search term keywords. What is more effective…Using all 5 keyword lines or lumping all keywords together in one single line? Also, I know you’re not supposed to repeat keywords, but isn’t it valuable to keep keyword phrases intact… thus the need to repeat keywords? Thanks for your insight! A: One or … Read more