Efficiently Sourcing From China: Accelerate Success

The Chinese wholesale market is where all the action is at. LUCKILY for you, in this blog, we INTRODUCE you to sourcing from China. 

Don’t let the thousands of manufacturers leave you CONFUSED like a deer in headlights. We KNOW how annoying that can be. That’s why we’ll show you just how to navigate the Chinese sourcing game. 

We’ve been a China sourcing agent for over a DECADE! That’s right! We know our way around the Chinese wholesale market and sourcing in general. This, plus our in-depth research on the matter. You get the SKILLS to GROW your business. 

We’ll begin by telling you why you should source products from China with some steps on how to do it and 4 choices you should Consider. Then, we’ll top everything off with things to consider in sourcing from China.

So kick back, relax, and get ready to learn.

Why Sourcing Products From China

Why Sourcing Products From China?

Source From China

1. Kostnadsbesparelser:

The Chinese production market is unparalleled in COST-EFFECTIVENESS. They have some of the most skilled yet AFFORDABLE labor in the world. Plus, they have effective access to cheap raw materials, tooling, packaging, and mold production. That allows them to give any manufacturing process unimaginable economies of scale. COMPETITIVE prices per unit.

2. No middlemen: 

Normal sourcing involves intermediaries who mark up UNNECESSARY costs to your product. MOST Chinese manufacturers deal with the Kina sourcing agenter that they are working with. That results in SIGNIFICANT cost reductions. 

Working with an ESTABLISHED innkjøpsselskap slik som Leeline Sourcing Guarantees cost savings. They work directly with the manufacturer eliminating costs for your business. Plus, they know How to Get Cheap Products fra landet.

3. Unmatched supply chain: 

Unmatched supply chain

China has one of the most RENOWNED leverandør bases in the world. They get components from all over the world and use them in the production process. This well-established infrastructure ensures that the BEST COMPONENTS reach manufacturers at low cost. So, the finished high-quality products Come at AFFORDABLE prices.

Our team EASES the load of running your business by managing a forsyningskjeden. We handle component sourcing to supplier management and production inspections.

Ekspert tips: Consider DIVERSIFYING a supply base in China. Doing so helps you work around risk and allows you to leverage competitive advantages.

Sherry Huang, Kina sourcing agent

4. Low risk of scams/fraud: 

It’s easy to get scammed in ANY industry. But, sourcing from China gives you a lot of CONTROL over the entire process. It allows you to minimize fraud. You are typically working directly with a sourcing company. 

If you get POOR QUALITY goods, delayed delivery, or scammy transactions, you nip them in the bud. You are WELL-INFORMED on what is going on during the sourcing process.

The Leeline Sourcing team helps you MITIGATE RISKS associated With sourcing. We do supplier screaming, kvalitetskontroll, secure payment processing, and safe logistics. By giving you the services and more we ensure that your business transactions are SAFE.

Looking for a product to source from China?

Leeline Sourcing hjelper kjøpere med å finne riktig produkt til den beste prisen.

Hvordan hente fra Kina?

1. Do Your Market Research

Setting up a successful business is not easy. That is why you need to position yourself for success in the market with proper RESEARCH. You need to know everything there is about your business and niche. That could include competitors prising, branding, marketing, and regulations. It will be EASIER for you to get your business to the top.

2. Finn en leverandør

It’s time to get you a supplier. This is a confusing step for a lot of buyers, but we will CLEAR things up for you. There are basically THREE types of businesses you can deal with when ordering from China. More about this later!

If it is your FIRST time doing this, consider online sourcing platforms Such as Alibaba og Made in China. These sites usually have a rating system that you can EXPLOIT to find your desired supplier. That’s one of the best methods to verify a supplier.

3. Find a Manufacturer 

Find a Manufacturer

Contact Vendors with your requirements. However, it is worth noting that some people DO NOT like to contact suppliers. That is mostly because of the confusion On how to go about it. Before you do, make sure you UNDERSTAND the following about Chinese suppliers. 

Types of Sourcing Products from China Suppliers

THREE main types of product suppliers exist in the Chinese market. These are manufacturers, small trading companies, and sourcing companies. Here is how to KNOW which one works for you:

  • Do you have deep pockets and want to make big orders? Consider dealing with the factory DIRECTLY. You will likely meet the minimum order quantity.
  • Trade companies are best if you want a large variety of related products but in SMALL QUANTITIES.
  • A innkjøpsselskap handles everything on your behalf. That is from finding the supplier to arranging shipping logistics. These sourcing service providers work for MOST BUSINESSES or individuals. You just have to know how to find a SOURCING AGENT.

Leeline Sourcing is the BEST agent in the game. They handle your product specifications with CARE to get you the goods you need at the best price. They verify suppliers, package goods, brand them, and transport your products. They also get you private label-produkter.

4. Conduct Supplier Negotiation Focusing on Quality

It’s time to hit up your potential suppliers with negotiations. But hold your horses. Make sure to have all the information you need BEFOREHAND. That gives you a good idea of your supplier’s minimum order cost and reasonable pricing.

How to negotiate with suppliers? Understand that the negotiation process is NOT a race to the bottom. So, you have to find that sweet spot where your supplier feels ADEQUATELY compensated.

They are in business, after all, right? Offering REASONABLE PRICING also ensures you get quality products.

Leeline Sourcing tilbyr the BEST China factory audit. They EVALUATE SUPPLIERS for you to get you the quality that you desire. That is from the beginning of the production process. They keep an eye on the potential supplier EVERY STEP afterward till you get the goods.

5. Bring in Your Order Samples

Bring in Your Order Samples

When you’ve gotten the quotes from the Produsenten, du må vite How to get free samples. Ask the supplier for one. Once the sample arrives:

  • CHECK the units to ensure that they are up to standard.
  • INSPECT for defects or low-quality components.
  • Ask for MULTIPLE ROUNDS of samples if unsatisfied. Alternatively, consider moving on to another supplier.

With Leeline sourcing, you get the best China inspection services. We go above and beyond to ensure the supplier’s claim on quality is VALID.

Ekspert tips: Business in China is determined by WHO you know and NOT WHAT you know. So, cultivating strong relationships is key to success.

Fowler Wang, Kapasitetskildeekspert

6. Make Your Bulk in Order

Have you followed the best product sourcing methods above to the tee? Good! Now, you can order in BULK. Be mindful when sending payments to China to AVOID being scammed. 

Standard Sourcing Products from China Payment Methods

A lot of supplies need you to send them at least a 30% deposit. This is done BEFORE production begins. So, you have to bear the deposit risk.  

Du betaler the remaining amount before shipment. Pay the remainder after your goods PASS the quality control process and lab testing.

7. Do Periodic Quality Control Inspections

Do Periodic Quality Control Inspections

Communicating your product specifications clearly and having a GOOD PRODUCTION agreement Is great. It ensures a wonderful start to your production. However, always perform regular QUALITY CONTROL INSPECTIONS. 

This will help ensure that the goods meet your standards. And you’ll be able to REDUCE costly mistakes in the entire manufacturing process. Last-minute or late-stage blunders can be extremely COSTLY for you.

Stole på best quality control and inspection agent can help. Leeline Sourcing is one such agent. They give you the best 100% inspection in China to reduce UNNECESSARY MISTAKES.

8. Organize Your Logistics 

It’s time to get those goods to you. But hold your horses! Don’t jump at the first offer your supplier gives you. Most suppliers BUNDLE TRANSPORTATION services as part of their overall service package. However, these services are often SUBPAR, and you should skip them.

Go with Leeline Sourcing, the Beste one-stop Kina speditør. These folks give you straightforward, affordable, and efficient shipping across the world.

PålitelighetMer påliteligMindre pålitelig
Speed3 til 15 dager30 til 40 dager
Forsendelse TrackingTilgjengeligAvailable with some
SikkerhetSikkerCan be damaged
Pricing criteriaVekt/dimensjonerWeight/Dimensions/Fixed price

4 Choices For You To Source From China

4 valg for deg å hente fra Kina

1. Go To a Chinese Supplier Directly

Over 80% of businesses buying from China go DIRECTLY to a supplier. That’s because this GIVES them an immeasurable amount of control. Plus it reduces the PREMIUMS added on by intermediaries.

So, take up this proven sound product sourcing strategy. Be warned, though, that you will need enough ORGANIZATIONAL MUSCLE to handle suppliers. It all boils down to having the ability to handle their MOQ requirements.

Ekspert tips: Use local trade fairs To find potential suppliers and products. This gives you FIRST-HAND experience with products and abilities.  – Emily Wong, Trade Show Coordinator

Ali Tamoor, ekspert på produktinnkjøp

2. Use a China Sourcing Agent

2. Finn en Kina-innkjøpsagent

There are thousands of Chinese Innkjøpsagenter out there. These people or businesses have a UNIQUE VIEW and access to the Kinesisk marked. You can LEVERAGE them for better product sourcing.

Just make sure that they’re from the right industry, and they will act as a REPRESENTATIVE in the country. 

Leeline Sourcing is a RESPECTABLE industry juggernaut that offers sourcing services in China. With these folks, you get what you need. They give you supplier management, product development, inspection, and so much more.

Leter du etter den beste China Sourcing Agent?

Leeline Sourcing hjelper deg med å finne fabrikker, få konkurransedyktige priser, følge opp produksjonen, kvalitetssikre og levere produkter på døra.

3. Use a Trading Company

Not everyone can work with suppliers directly because of their COSTLY requirements. That’s Where trade companies come in HANDY. They allow small retail businesses or startups, too. 

These businesses allow you to place small orders that are below most suppliers’ MOQ. Unless you really need to, I wouldn’t recommend working with such COMPANIES.

Ekspert tips: Have and communicate your specifications and expectations clearly from the start. This way, you AVOID a lot of misunderstandings later on.

Morgan Huang, Senior Sourcing Expert

4. Utilize a Service Company

Selv om du vet how to find Chinese suppliers and work directly with them, you might need a SERVICE COMPANY. These are businesses that give you follow-up services on your production. And they act as your boots on the ground. 

Ensure that they keep EVERYTHING TRANSPARENT. We are talking supplier names, factory registration records, processes followed, and so on. It might be an investment for your company, so evaluate to see if you need it.

Things To Consider When Sourcing In China

Things To Consider When Sourcing In China

1. Don’t be afraid to Negotiate 

As stated earlier the price your supplier quotes you is NOT FINAL. Get ready to exercise your negotiating muscle to get a deal that is good for you. INFORMATION is key when making your case.

The goal is to get to a figure that works for both parties. When negotiating:

  • Move with CONFIDENCE to inspire faith in your business.
  • It’s absolutely okay to say NO.
  • More suppliers exist out there that can meet YOUR NEEDS. 

2. Be om prøver

Be om prøver

GET your hands on a sample product BEFORE sinking your money into a project. You need to write this statement in a word somewhere, as I CANNOT insist on it enough.

The goal is to check if it meets your specifications. You can always order MULTIPLE ROUNDS of a sample until you are satisfied.

Here, consider the location of the factory, payment methods, and delivery time.

3. Grow Professional Relationships 

Du må forstå how to establish good business relationships with your supplier. This move will earn you MASSIVE DISCOUNTS and better deals. Well-developed professional relationships with Chinese suppliers also translate to trustable recommendations. 

In case you need a new supplier or something SIMILAR, your supplier can make the introduction. You inadvertently get access to their network.

For communication, use PLATFORMS that are available in China, such as WeChat, QQ, and Momo.

How To Reduce The Purchase Cost?

redusere kostnadene

1) Snakk med kinesiske leverandører

Sørg for at leverandørene tilbyr redusert pris i en årlig eller kvartalsvis ramme.

You can do it through negotiation and signing a strategic cooperation agreement. If this is not possible, ask them to at least keep the price unchanged for a certain period of time.

2) Know Production cost evaluation criteria

Know Production cost evaluation criteria

A. Kostnaden for råvarer: Kjøp råvarer direkte fra fabrikken for å spare innkjøpskostnadene.

B. Interne produksjonskostnader: Når det gjelder kvalitet og nøyaktighet, prøv å bruke lavkostproduksjonsutstyr. Lave kostnader for hjelpematerialer (f.eks. områder med lav bruk eller energirike områder).

C. Ledelsesstrukturen er mer strømlinjeformet, og det er færre utenlandske toppledere.

D. Gode logistikkforhold og geografisk plassering (bidrar til å redusere transportkostnadene).

E. Lave marginkrav (hjemmefabrikker er relativt gode).

TRYGG + ENKEL Import fra Kina

Vi gjør det harde arbeidet i Kina, så du trenger ikke å: Produktinnkjøp, kvalitetskontroll, frakt og mer.

People Also Ask About Sourcing From China

1. Why is sourcing products from China less expensive?

Several reasons affect the overall pricing of a specific product. If you are buying products in bulk, the manufacturer must have the necessary setup to fulfill your demand.

Mange kinesiske fabrikker har tilgang på billig arbeidskraft, og de trenger ikke å fokusere på å finne dyktig arbeidskraft.

Besides, they use the most effective chain to distribute their products around the globe. These two factors cut the product price.

Som et resultat blir det mye mer kostnadseffektivt å hente varer fra dette landet.

2. What is the easiest way to source products from China?

Vel, du kan finne så mange forskjellige måter å skaffe kvalitetsprodukter fra Kina. Blant dem er - handelsselskaper, innkjøpsagenter og direkte leverandører.

You can contact suppliers directly by searching them online. Or else, you can attend different messer i Kina.

Vi foreslår at du velger innkjøpsagenter siden de tilbyr en one-stop-løsning for alle dine behov.

De kan finne de riktige fabrikkene for produktet ditt, forhandle på dine vegne og velge en passende fraktmetode.

3. Is sourcing from China a profitable business?

Yes, sourcing from China is profitable. However, like any other business, it comes with challenges. You have to overcome these to reach profitability. You have to grapple with investment costs, finding suppliers, and so much more.

4. How to ensure product quality?

Kvalitetssikringspersonellet i din bedrift må ta ledelsen i evalueringen.

Make sure he checks products according to ISO and QS standards. A supplier understands these standards.

Men du kan lage en sjekkliste som de kan bruke under kvalitetskontroll.

For å sikre at du får varer av høy kvalitet til leverandørene dine, må du be dem studere denne sjekklisten og følge den under produksjonen

5. How to find Chinese suppliers?

You can use Chinese sourcing platforms like Alibaba to find Suppliers. Or use a reliable sourcing agent like Leeline Sourcing. They know how to find reliable suppliers. 

Hva blir det neste

We told you why sourcing products from China is good. Then, we gave you eight detailed steps on how to achieve this. As an icing on the cake, we added 4 choices for you when sourcing from China. Lastly, we sprinkled some things to consider in your endeavors.

With this information you can source from China easily! 

Now you have an itch to learn more! Worry not! Our seasoned professionals have put together a collection of Sourcing Knowledge. 

Pass by our website if you have additional questions or want to learn more.


tradecommissioner.gc.ca– Sourcing Road Map

IESE Business School– Sourcing from China

diva-portal.org– In the middle: on sourcing from China 

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Sharline Shaw

Hei, jeg er Sharline, grunnleggeren av Leeline Sourcing. Med 10 års erfaring innen sourcing i Kina, hjelper vi 2000+ kunder med å importere fra Kina, Alibaba, 1688 til Amazon FBA eller shopify. Hvis du har spørsmål om innkjøp, vær så snill kontakt oss.

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