Product Bundling: The Key to Unlock the Potential of Higher Sales

Think from a BUYER perspective before you move to sell.

Have you purchased two products at once? Specifically, when ADDING one item to the cart urged you to buy another?

Done that? Right?…….

It is the PRODUCT BUNDLING that increases sales by 50%. Enormous brands TARGET it to sell more products. Deals are EASIER and bring up better results.

Our experts at Leeline Sourcing have an experience of 10+ years. You get the BEST quality products. Perfect bundling gets you more deals. Higher incomes come into your POCKET.

Want to know more?

In this guide, we will go through the product design and BUNDLE.

Ready to explore……Let’s get more.

Product Bundling

What is Product Bundling? Why Is It Important?

What is Product Bundling

Have you ever received a PACKAGE with multiple products in it?

If yes, it is the PRODUCT BUNDLING. In this process, two or more products are packaged into a single box. Brick-and-mortar stores sell them as ONE UNIT. It enables them to increase their products. 

More reasons?

Let’s check them out here.

It gives a POSITIVE look to your brand

Do you know when you create a GOOD impression? It is when you offer customized packaging and quality inventory.

Selling product bundles saves costs and lets you invest more in customization. Since you are giving BETTER customization, branding is more.

Therefore, a new customer will become a returning one.

It saves potential marketing costs

More prominent brands invest MILLIONS of USD in marketing….. I have done so. Invested 20-30% of the total revenue in Marketing.

With product bundling, you are saving costs on separate bundling. You are creating a positive image. It will ATTRACT more customers and get you more sales.

No need to invest in EXTRA marketing with product bundling strategies.

Urges customers to purchase more products

Upsells is a GREAT STRATEGY. I have seen it on Aliexpress. Aliexpress urges customers to buy three products at $1.99 per product.

With upsells, you encourage customers to buy additional products. It generates more sales and brings up more revenue. Your customers remain impressed with the product bundles. 


Because they receive all the items at once instead of multiple sellings.

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Benefits of Using Product Bundling in Marketing

Benefits of Using Product Bundling in Marketing

Product bundling strategies are EXTREMELY successful in marketing. 


Let’s explore.

It raises the average Order value

Suppose I purchase a $5 toothbrush. After 5 minutes, I add $5 toothpaste. You have just made sales of $10. The average ORDER value is high.

The same happens in the product bundles. You urge the customers to buy two products. Customers buy more products. In turn, you’ll increase sales. 

That is how the product bundling strategies turn out to be the GAME CHANGED. In eCommerce businesses, more sellers give discounts as well.

Inventory clearance is high

Warehouses charge per SQUARE FEET storage. If your products remain stored for more extended periods, two losses are there:

  • First— Products are not being sold. You are not generating income.
  • Second— Product cost is increasing due to extended period storage.

There is one solution—inventory clearance. With product bundles, you are selling two or more items. It quickens up the sales turnover and decreases warehouse costs.

Helps sell more products 

In retail stores, what is your ULTIMATE GOAL?

Don’t be like a HAIL….Try to raise your sales…

Product bundles raise your sales. How?

It is simple. With product bundling, you are selling two items instead of one. You are clearing up more products from your warehouses.

It does one key system— BOOSTS the product sales cycle. As the cycle speed increases, sales exponentially increase. It is time when you make more bucks.

Marketing and distribution costs decrease rapidly

Tell me one thing….What is hard? Selling individual items or as a set?

As a buyer, I hate to purchase items individually. From the selling perspective, you need to market the whole bundle. Instead of 5 or 10 items sold individually.

It rapidly reduces marketing and distribution costs. Moreover, you can save price money on packaging as well.

The product bundle strategy has been very SUCCESSFUL at this point.

Speeds up the purchase decision

It is Natural for me to prefer buying more items at a DISCOUNTED price. Whenever customers see multiple items at a DISCOUNTED PRICE, they rush.

It increases their purchasing decision. With instantaneous purchasing, the seller’s online store boomed. Price savings for the customers get more vending to the seller.

Sellers make higher profit margins by saving costs on the bundle price.

Delivers more products at a single time

I want two things from the sales.

  • Ship all my products, whether 5 or 10, in a single place… a single time.
  • Decrease my shipping costs since I am shipping more items.

Product bundles give me both. That is where I lean on product bundling. 

It delivers products faster and in one delivery. I do not have to leave my COMFORT ZONE for multiple receptions.

Product Bundle pricing is also less. For me, it is the BIGGEST TURN ON for purchase.

Types of Product Bundling

Types of Product Bundling

There are many types of product bundling. For example, gift set bundling. Want to know all the bundling types?

Let’s go through it

  • Pure bundles

Pure bundling is the BEST MARKETING strategy. Brands allow customers to buy all the products at once. They can’t get a PACKAGE DEAL alone.

Pure bundling examples are of HELLO FRESH. HelloFresh sells meal ingredients as a single unit. Their ingredients can not be purchased individually. It increases online sales through pure bundling techniques. 

Pure bundles are VERY popular.

  • New product bundles

Do you want to sell the new items? New bundled products are second to NONE.

You can bundle a new product with the existing one. If you can sell an EXISTING item, you’ll get a sale for the new item.

It will move your STAGNANT inventory. This marketing strategy boosts new products. In turn, you can make new purchases with an existing purchase.

  • Mix-and-match bundles

Suggesting bundles come in this category. You can allow the customers to choose one ITEM. And then get tons of similar items where customers can make a BUNDLE.

Mix and match are available at ALIEXPRESS. You can buy a shirt for $20 but add trousers to make the total cost $25. Such a reduced price increases adventure for mixed bundling.

  • Cross-sell bundles

Sometimes, I buy an Android phone. When purchasing it, I think, why not buy the case for safety?

That is the CROSS-SELL product bundling strategy. Some online stores BOOST SALE by offering such a bundle. They offer a BUNDLE DISCOUNT as well. Customers instantly purchase to save money.

In turn, the seller gets its profit.

  • Gift bundles
Types of Product Bundling

How often do you gift someone you love? Gift bundles boost sales at such a POINT.

Especially at the holidays or events, gift bundles get sold. For example, some brands offer COMPLEMENTARY products on Father’s Day. 

Customs create a CUSTOM BUNDLE. They add multiple gift items. And then, they check out to pay and ship items.

  • Inventory clearance bundling

Some products have a large number of sales during a period. In comparison, others might not even sell or have 10-20% sales compared to the TOTAL.

There is a better product bundle option to cope with it.

What is that?

You can simply bundle a fast-selling item with a SLOWER ONE. It will make more of an ENTIRE BUNDLE.

This type of bundling is VERY POPULAR in clearing up products from warehouses.

  • Buy-one-get-one bundles

If you buy one:

  • You get the next one FREE 
  • Or buy the next one at a discounted price.

These two options have been POPULAR for decades due to successful sales.

Bundling adds value to your inventory. You’ll get more sales. 

The best example is the selling of a primary product and accessory. For example, suppose you sell a COMPUTER. You can offer its accessories at a lower price to generate higher sales.

  • Same product bundling

In all the above types, we have been BUNDLING different items.

There is one more QUESTION. Can you bundle the SAME ITEM?

Yes. You can bundle the same item. Such types of bundling decrease the UPFRONT cost. Customers discover bundling products. Purchase them. And ship them at once, decreasing the overall cost.

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Strategy to Make Product Bundles

Strategy to Make Product Bundles

Doing research can DECREASE your hassle. You can create DATA DRIVEN BUNDLES. And get more bucks.

Focus on DATA DRIVEN bundles

If you know the BEST product bundle, what will be your Next step?

Obviously, to try it and get more sales. That is why I have chosen the MIXED bundles. It encourages customers at the CHECKOUT. Suppose they buy a laptop. They will surely buy the USB as a product bundle.

This product bundling strategy boosts SALES. Data and research on the BEST type of bundling get you this. You can try it to strengthen your bundles.

Make purchase savings more apparent to clients

Whenever I buy an item, the sale is the FIRST option. Suppose the product has a LABEL of 20% discount, boom. It catches my sight.

The very next step is to LOCATE such items. You should customize the online DEPICTION of products. That is how you’ll entice more customers.

If you give a FREE item, make it more apparent. It increases the probability of sales. You’ll create bundles with EXCITING OFFERS.

Apply time-limit on a product bundle

Have you ever rushed to a DEAL expiring in the next 5 minutes? I have done it many times. It is one of the BEST WAYS to get the best marketing.

A product bundle relatively generates more deals in such a case.

Do you know why?

It is because every customer wants the BEST DEAL. They rush to such products because they do not want to miss the deal. With more traffic, chances of conversion increase. You’ll experience better traffic compared to other cases.

Promote Bundles across social channels

Strategy to Make Product Bundles

The success of a BRAND lies behind the marketing budget. With Google ads, more people know about the products. They visit the deals. And buy more. Excellent EXPERIENCE makes them buy again.

Without marketing, no EXPOSURE….Total failure!!!

You can do the same with a PRODUCT BUNDLE. Use social media channels such as FACEBOOK to offer the best deals. Lower bundled prices provoke them to buy bundles. 

Your brand will get more EXPOSURE. And as a result, better sales will occur. Isn’t it the thing you want?

Add complimentary products 

Think from the perspective of a CUSTOMER. Suppose you want the software packages. Think one STEP ahead.

What more will you like to buy?

Complimentary products are the ones that often sell in PRODUCT bundles. It would help if you did the research. Get a LIST of complimentary products. And bring up higher sales to boost customer loyalty.

I have applied this STRATEGY. There have been 50% higher sales due to accessory product selling. For every seller, it is very successful to sell more products. 

Intelligent Pairing of products

Pairing a coffee with a COMPUTER product…..It is a TOTAL FAILURE!! Believe me….

You need to know what is the BEST pair. It is better to include the main item and accessory. For example, I bundle a 512GB hard disk with the laptops. It has better results.

You can even pair up the best-selling with a SLOW selling. But ensure the CARGEORY is the same. You can even do the same product bundling.

Mix-and-match bundling is a GOOD idea for selling products.

How To Create Product Bundles In Shopify?

Bundling on Shopify is not a BIG DEAL. It is because of the Shopify apps that allow simple and better bundling.

Here is the step-by-step guide to creating bundles on Shopify.

Step 1: Open your Shopify Dashboard

How To Create Product Bundles In Shopify

Before you create a bundle on Shopify, have a strategy to create a bundle. You open your SHOPIFY seller dashboard. Login to see the product listings. If you have UPLOADED the listings, that is great.

Otherwise, I first upload the product listing. If you are a drop shipper, do it from the supplier’s store. For this, you need the tools to import products and list them.

Step 2: Install the Bundler

It is time to install the bundler. You visit the Shopify apps portion. It is exactly like the Chrome extension. You can search the BUNDLER to create your bundles.

Apart from it, there are many other tools. Based on your ease, you can choose it. I hse BUNDLER because it is easy and SUPER COMFORTABLE.

Step 3: Create a Bundle Name

How To Create Product Bundles In Shopify

Now, I have created a bundle name. The bundle name is Important. Because next time, it will be easy to find the BUNDLE with the name.

You can keep whatever name you like. 

Step 4: Choose features and discounts

Bundler has many FEATURES and settings for adjustments. For example, if I want to offer a discount, do it. 

There are many more features to be EDITED and applied.

Step 5: Set up Conditions

Bundler allows specifying the cases. Suppose I want to give a PRODUCT free to a new customer.

It will ask me about the condition. If a new buyer visits my store, it will automatically apply the bundle options. The new buyer will get FREE PRODUCTS. You can apply to other bundling cases too.

Step 6: Finish bundling

Have you completed the settings? Once I complete it, it is finished. 

Before I finish, I recheck. Then I add the products for the bundling. After finishing the bundling, products appear as a bundle on the PRODUCT LISTINGS.

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FAQs about Product Bundling

1. What are some of Amazon’s best product bundles?

Amazon has so many CATEGORIES. You must do the proper research by filtering each category. You can find product bundling examples out there. Get the idea from product bundling examples.

2. Can I create my own bundle for a specific branded product?

Technically no. But there is one condition you can. You should have the PERMISSION in any written form to show to Amazon in case of any issues. However, Amazon forbids non-permitted bundling.

3. Are there any plugins for Woocommerce product bundles?

There are many product bundle tools on WooCommerce. You need to do a little bit of research to find them. WPC product bundles for WooCommerce are a GOOD plugin to try.

4. When is product bundling effective?

There is no specific time. However, you can set up a TIME-LIMIT bundling every week or month. It will excite your customers and grab their attention. Ensure your matching is correct to sell products.

5. In what situations do retail outlets or ecommerce stores opt for Product Bundling?

There are many different cases during which the STORES create bundling. For example:
· They want to sell the new products. 
· Increase the convenience of the products. 
· Want to sell more in a short period
· Increase more branding opportunities.
· Need to remove slow-selling inventory from warehouses.

What’s Next

Bundling is a CAREER-changing aspect for businesses. They get two sales instead of one. They get ten sales instead of 2. They get 20 sales instead of 10. It is all the BUNDLING that gets them the best deals.


Contact LEELINE SOURCING experts. Our team has expertise in choosing the RIGHT PRODUCTS to bundle. You get more accurate bundling. In turn, profits will be higher with more sales.

Call us to get a FREE QUOTE.

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Hey, I’m Sharline, co-founder of  LeelineSourcing. We’ve helped 2000+ customers import from China.

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Article by:

Sharline Shaw

Hey I'm Sharline, the founder of Leeline Sourcing. With 10 years of experience in the field of sourcing in China, we help 2000+ clients import from China,Alibaba,1688 to Amazon FBA or shopify. If you have any questions about sourcing , pls feel free to contact us.