Complete Guide About Accounts Suspended From Amazon 2024

What’s WORSE than getting suspended from amazon? Your MONEY. Your EFFORT. Your CUSTOMERS



Hold your tears. We know your struggle, and we got your back (according to our 10 years of eCommerce experience). We’ve prepared this post after spending weeks researching Amazon’s policy. In this article, you’re going to learn A LOT in less than 30 minutes, including:

  1. Difference between the types of suspension
  2. How to differentiate between an account ban and a suspension
  3. What happens when the account gets suspended
  4. Why Amazon account suspension 
  5. Ways to recover your account
  6. Ways to protect your selling privileges
  7. General tips for avoiding suspension

Sit back, read this ultimate guide, and GET your Amazon account back this INSTANT.

Suspended from Amazon

Difference Between the Types of Amazon Suspended Accounts

Types of Amazon suspended accounts

Check your status, as different suspensions call for various actions. Let’s discover this further.

  • Account Suspension

You can’t use your account, but you still have a chance to appeal. You need to submit a Plan of Action to regain access to your account.

  • Account Deactivated

You can’t sell anything on your deactivated Amazon Seller account. Amazon suspects you connected with other sellers that Amazon banned before.

  • Account Denial

It means Amazon rejected your appeal for reinstatement of your account. But FEAR NOT. There’s still some chance for you to appeal again.

  • Account Ban

Too bad, you are out of Amazon for good. Means your appeal has failed more than once. Amazon will no longer read your emails.

How to Differentiate Between an Account Ban and a Suspension?

There are various reasons for account bans or suspends. A suspended seller will receive a suspension notice from their Amazon Seller Account. It tells has removed your selling privileges.

Sellers should check via their email for faster response. Amazon will send an email when they suspend your account. It will state the reason for your suspension.

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What Happens When the Account Gets Suspended from Amazon?

The account gets suspended from Amazon

First of all, you can’t take any actions from your account. 

A restricted account cannot access any feature that Seller Central has offered. You can only access your Performance Notifications page and contact Amazon.

Amazon will take over your account and turn down all your listings. Your shop will NOT BE VISIBLE to customers on Amazon. Be aware that Amazon can DELETE your data or resources on your account at ANY TIME.

Amazon Seller Account suspended MUST reactivate within 30 days of suspension. If not, your account will go into closure by default.

Sitting there doing nothing for another 90 days? Then you can forever say bye-bye to your account.

Amazon END your account.

Why is My Account Suspended from Amazon?

Why account suspended from Amazon

Amazon account suspension happens for various reasons. From incomplete product information to the dissatisfaction of customers. Here are some aspects you can check on your selling account:

  • Amazon Seller Performance

Amazon will look into basic metrics related to your

  • Selling
  • Negative feedback
  • Late shipments
  • Pre-fulfillment cancellation rate. 

POOR performances get you in TROUBLE and will lead to suspension.

Your performance MUST always keep up to Amazon standards. Amazon upholds a STRICT standard on Amazon sellers for perfecting customers’ experiences.

  • Product Quality and Standards

You might sell something that violates Amazon’s policy. Remember you are not allowed to sell restricted products or counterfeit products. Check if you’re selling these items.

Amazon will CHANGE its regulations in different countries too. So, make sure you’re following their LATEST guidelines on selling items.

  • Having Various Seller Accounts

Having more than one account will get Amazon’s attention. Amazon sellers are violating Amazon’s policy by doing so. But, you can seek approval from them for having two Amazon accounts.

Here’s a tip:

NEVER open a new account straight after your former account suspension. Otherwise, these sellers will NOT get their old Amazon account reinstated.

  • Policy Violations

Did you use others’ copyrights without permission before? If you do, then THAT’S IT.

Amazon takes copyrights and trademarks SERIOUSLY. Selling counterfeit or fake items will get your Amazon account suspended. 

How to Recover My Suspended Account on Amazon?

Recover my suspended account on Amazon

Suspended Amazon Seller NEEDS to write a Plan of Action, but DO NOT APPEAL RIGHT AWAY! Appealing straight after your suspension will show how unconcerned you are.

It comes in 3 steps: 

Step 1: Identify your reason for suspension. 

Is it about seller performance? Or it’s about any violated Amazon selling policies. Refer to your suspension notice in the Account Health Dashboard. Find it through your Amazon Seller Central account.

Step 2: Prepare a DETAILED Plan of Action. 

It should regard the issues in your selling and what solutions you will practice. Do your investigation and research PROPERLY and THOROUGHLY.

Step 3: Write and submit it to Amazon.

Amazon’s website states their value PRECISION in the Plan of Action. Here are some tips to help you write better:

  1. Be specific: Write specific solutions for a HIGHER chance of a successful appeal.
  2. Keep it brief: Amazon needs to review TONS of appeals daily. A brief content make Amazon EASY to read your content.
  3. Don’t get emotional: Keep your points REASONABLE and LOGISTICAL to allow faster approval.
  4. Don’t be defensive: There’s a reason for your suspended Amazon account. Admit it, and DON’T write how unfair this result is.

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How to Prevent Amazon from Removing My Selling Privileges?

Prevent Amazon from removing my selling privileges

You might consider yourself a good and competent seller. And Amazon couldn’t suspend you. But believe me, if Amazon gets the chance, it MIGHT, and it WILL

1% off your seller’s performance could get you into their little black room INSTANTLY.

So, perfecting your service related to customers is CRUCIAL.

  • Check your Amazon reports from time to time, and IMPROVE on your weakness.
  • Ensure on-time shipping. Delays or missing delivery will HARM your credibility and Buy Box percentage.
  • Check your shipping, returns, and refund policies to IMRPOVE customer satisfaction.
  • Download the Amazon Seller App to reply to buyer messages FASTER.
  • Consider becoming an FBA seller for BETTER delivery and fulfillment service. It reduces buyer complaints and you get more HAPPY custoemrs.
Suggested reading: FBA Shipping From China to Amazon

General Tips for Avoiding Suspension

Tips for avoiding suspension

You will not get suspended if your Amazon account is in good standing. Here are some tips to SECURE your Amazon business and avoid suspension.

  • Learn From Past Experience

Act immediately and practice your Plan of Action after Amazon approves your appeal. FIX every mistake and IMPROVE your customer service for better customer satisfaction. 

Look at your customer feedback so you can provide what they need. Earn positive comments and SKYROCKET your sales in no time.

  • Only Sell Products as Per Described on Your Listings

Customers leave negative reviews if the items don’t match the listing description. These poor-performance sellers will be meeting Amazon soon.

Avoid misleading or wrong information that violates Amazon’s rules. Update the product information time-to-time, so you get BETTER customer trust. 

  • Optimize Your Inventory Management and Fulfillment Service

Amazon stockout, poor packaging, damaged product, and late delivery will reduce your credibility. You don’t want to risk losing sales, getting suspended, and losing money, right? 

So, keep your products in stock to IMPROVE your account health. Remember to ensure quality goods and services to GAIN more customer trust. 

  • Always Keep Up with Amazon’s Policy

DO NOT sell products that will harm customers. Also, avoid inappropriate and offensive behavior when listing, marketing, and communicating with customers. It brings a BETTER brand image and reputation to your company.

Suggested reading: Alibaba Payment Failed

FAQs about Suspended From Amazon

1. How long do Amazon account suspensions last?

Amazon suspensions can last up to 90 days. You must submit a Plan of Action appeal within 17 days of suspension to sell again. Amazon will end your account after 90 days if you’ve done nothing. 

2. Can I open a new account during Amazon account suspension?


Your new account will get suspended when Amazon finds it. Amazon will end your former amazon account too. What’s worse is Amazon might ban you forever. SO DON’T DO IT.

3. What can I do to keep selling on Amazon?

Write your Plan of Action well.
Keep it brief.
Use bullet points.
Write a short introductory paragraph about your problem(s) and solution(s). 
After that, work hard to meet seller standards. Maintain a good record of your performance.

4. Will Amazon text you about locking your account?

Yes, Amazon notifies you through email. Your account will send you a suspension notification too. The notice tells your violated Amazon’s policies and attaches supporting details.

What’s Next

Being suspended from Amazon is the worst thing any Amazon seller wants. So, make sure you follow Amazon rules. This guide is ALL YOU NEED to get your Amazon suspended account back. You could continue selling and earning on your Amazon account soon.

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Article by:

Sharline Shaw

Hey I'm Sharline, the founder of Leeline Sourcing. With 10 years of experience in the field of sourcing in China, we help 2000+ clients import from China,Alibaba,1688 to Amazon FBA or shopify. If you have any questions about sourcing , pls feel free to contact us.