Got Banned From Facebook? 3 Key Methods To Try Out

Hey, I got banned from Facebook! What to do? When will I get my account back? 

Maybe you have heard such a SORT of statement. First thing, always FOLLOW the FACEBOOK TOS. Prompt bans occur when you go against the COMMUNITY rules. 

But, no problem. There is also a solution. 

Our Team, LEELINE SOURCING, is adept at solving Facebook ban problems. A well-known TEAM of experts. Extremely professional. SEAMLESS experience. 

We help you SUBMIT the appeal against account suspension with complete proof. Give tips to get your FACEBOOK account back. Come up with safe techniques to avoid future suspensions. And go the extra mile to SOLVE this issue. 

Do you want to GET RELEASE yourself from FACEBOOK jail? 

Get together. Read through the WHOLE blog. I’ll explore VARIOUS ways, tips, and reasons! 

Let’s talk. 

Got Banned From Facebook

What Is A Facebook Ban? 

What is a Facebook ban

I have HEARD more of a Facebook jail from my friends. Often, they WONDER whether the FB jail is the same as the BAN or what. 

Let me tell you one THING, don’t worry, my friend. I’ll REVIVE you— 100% guaranteed! But before I do something, here is BREAK DOWN of Facebook Jail and Ban! 

Facebook ban refers to the restrictions imposed by the FACEBOOK to use: 

  • Personal Facebook Account
  • Business Page
  • Personal Pages
  • Access to Facebook Groups

Someone got the idea to put the Facebook Ban into FANCY style. So, he called it FACEBOOK — Seems funny, right? 

Both are the same! 

Suggested reading: 7 Tips to Advertise Effectively on Facebook
Suggested reading: Facebook Shop Dropshipping

3 Types of Facebook Ban

3 Types of Facebook Ban

When I get BANNED from Facebook, my first question: 

  • Is it temporary or permanent? 
  • When will I get my account back? 

Don’t WORRY at all. I’ll tell you about Facebook jail in detail. Ready? Let’s have some FUN in real life! 

Temporary Ban

It is like YOU’VE been arrested for a few hours to a few DAYS. Easy RELEASE. Definite period. 

A temporary ban is a short-term RESTRICTION. It is imposed on your Facebook page or PERSONAL account. Sometimes, Facebook gives you a warning for not posting content for seven days. 

Before YOU make the next post, wait for seven days. 

I have faced such a ban many times due to too many posts. Keep an EYE on that. And wait for the TIME of release. 

Permanent Ban

No solution for it. Once, I got permanently banned for going against community guidelines. Facebook restrictions for more extended periods. 

In the case of PERMANENT, forget your account because there is NO WAY to appeal. Better CREATE a new account. And a new life! 

IP Ban

Have you been USING FAKE IDs from multiple IPs? Say, welcome to the IP address ban. 

Facebook bans a user account if the IP address is suspicious or involved in the SCAMS. Having a fake account can cause this situation as well. In that case, you can’t CREATE A FACEBOOK account from your banned IP device. 

So, better change it and MOVE AHEAD! 

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How Do You Know If You Are Banned From Facebook?

How Do You Know If You Are Banned From Facebook

In various SITUATIONS, I have seen people speaking out, 

Hey! I can’t log into my personal account.  I got banned from Facebook. Why did I get banned? I didn’t do anything. 

Relax! Get a sigh of RELIEF. And think again: is it even a BAN or network issue?

I have FACED network issues many times. So, I will help you out whether it is a BAN. 

Here is a simple method:

Once you try to LOG IN, a pop-up will say, “Facebook Disabled Account.” If it does not, maybe you have a slow network. 

Sometimes, you can log in. Go to the notification department in FACEBOOK jail. Check the notification if there have been ANY feature RESTRICTIONS from Facebook! 

Five Reasons To Get Banned From Facebook

Five reasons to get banned from Facebook

Hey, one thing in MIND. Be with all ears. What I am GOING to tell you is 100% VITAL! No more scams. No more 24 hours online. Be real. Be a Human. 

Here are some common reasons that get a FACEBOOK account banned. 

Promoting BANNED products like Explosive items! STOP! Facebook is going to BAN you sooner or later.

I have SEEN many people getting banned on VARIOUS product advertisements. I tell them ONE thing. First READ list of prohibited products from FACEBOOK. Then start advertising. 

If you are a drop shipper or B2B seller. Don’t be BLIND. Choose legal products to ADVERTISE on Facebook. 

Don’t get TOO MUCH excited. When I first OPENED my Facebook account,  I sent 100+ FACEBOOK requests. The result was CLEAR — Facebook BLOCKED my Facebook account! 

Be careful. Facebook SUSPECTS such users to be SCAMMERS. It prompts the decision to block such people. 

Try to be ONLINE when it is necessary. And don’t SEND random group requests. Be sure to add ONLY known people. 

Maybe you say, “Hey, everyone on Facebook has a FAKE name. Why me? Why did the Facebook team BANNED me?”

It is simple: VIOLATION of TOS! 

I have USED the fake names but never GOT CAUGHT. Do you know why? Because I never got involved in SUSPICIOUS activities. 

That saves you from suspension by the Facebook team. So, be REAL. Try to use the REAL name. Even if you don’t, DON’T make noise by violating other FACEBOOK’s policies. 

Nowadays, AI has revolutionized everything. Even the FACEBOOK is advanced and uses various techniques to CATCH spammy words. 

I often get a WARNING if something wrong is detected in my posts. But thankfully, they just gave a warning at first. 

After multiple times, you often get a TEMPORARY ban! 

Suppose you do a scam with SOMEONE. Or if your account is INVOLVED in activity with a SCAMMER, get out! That is not me; FACEBOOK says it. 

Most of the time, you have to FACEBOOK the permanent ban. Sometimes, even your IP address is blocked for your PERSONAL accounts. 

The same case is VALID when doing copyright infringement! 

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Here Is What To Do To Get Unbanned From Facebook

Here is what to Do to Get Unbanned From Facebook

Did you get banned from Facebook? There are many ways to GET your LIFE back from Facebook jail. 

I have tried all of the methods. Want to know them? Explore here. 

Temporary Ban — Know the reason and wait

Multiple times, I have got restrictions on the FACEBOOK posts. (Reason: Bulk Posts)

First of all, wait! I again said, “WAIT for your DEAR LIFE!”

Have patience in such a case, as Facebook will get a BAN lifted. 

Sometimes, your FACEBOOK account gets banned temporarily. Wait, it depends on the given SITUATION and offenses. For example: 

  • ONE — Facebook provides a warning only. 
  • Two to six — FACEBOOK imposes restrictions on features like Facebook posts. 
  • Seven — Get banned for one whole day. 
  • Eight — Ban for Three days
  • Nine — Ban for a Week
  • Ten or More — Ban for 30 days

Based on the nature of the violation, you need to wait. 

Submit Facebook Suspension Appeal To Facebook

Can’t wait? That is NATURAL. I faced such a SITUATION where I got to challenge the FACEBOOK decisions. —And submitted the APPEAL. 

Guess what? Most times, FACEBOOK reinstated my account while ADMITTING their errors. HURRAH! 

But how do I submit the appeal? I will explain the steps to disclose the exact method for presenting an appeal! 

Here is what to Do to Get Unbanned From Facebook
  • Step 2: Add the email address on which you have YOUR FACEBOOK ID. You can add the phone number also if you have CREATED on the phone number. 
Here is what to Do to Get Unbanned From Facebook
  • Step 3: Facebook wants to CONFIRM the user is authenticated and real HUMAN. For that, you need to UPLOAD the ID, CNIC, or Passport as per your COUNTRY. Press the Choose File. Select and upload the images. 
Here is what to Do to Get Unbanned From Facebook
  • Step 4: A new space will come out for the SUSPENDED users. You need to add the reason why it was INJUSTICE. And why Facebook should unblock you. 
  • Step 5: Hit the SEND button. And boom! If Facebook needs additional info, they will contact you. Otherwise, wait for some DAYS until Facebook makes a decision. 
Here is what to Do to Get Unbanned From Facebook

Permanent Ban — Create a New Facebook Account

Have you got the permanent ban? Oh, that is a BIG PROBLEM, to be honest. Suppose other FACEBOOK users get a permanent ban. In that case, I recommend a NEW FACEBOOK account creation. 

That is the ONLY solution you’ve got. Even if you have reached the BAN on your IP addresses, navigate to a NEW Facebook account creation. 

Here is my tip! 

  • Use a DIFFERENT device. 
  • Try to get a NEW IP address. 
  • Create another ACCOUNT. 
  • Follow Facebook policies. 
  • Restrict the number of POSTS. 
  • Don’t join suspicious groups! 

That is all you have to do! No more CHATTER CHATTER! Easy life. 

Five Tips To Be Safe From Facebook Ban

Five Tips to Be Safe from Facebook Ban

Before even FACEBOOK support saves you, why not ELIMINATE THE CAUSE? Why not have some SPICY tips to avoid a ban by this SOCIAL media giant? 

1. Compose Facebook Posts with Attention

I always think FIVE times before posting the CONTENT. Do you know why? Because FACEBOOK can suspend me immediately. 

Read the TOS posting before you LAND your first post. Don’t post randomly. Do it with extreme care and ATTENTION. 

Always check your Posts or products before posting them online. Ensure there are no SPAM trigger words or products. Or avoid the inclusion of SPAMMING websites. Avoid any term violation to be on the safe side. 

2. Be Authentic On Facebook

What is even CAUSING you not to be the authentic person? When it comes to MY profile, I am 100% me. No FAKE names. No MORE FUSS! 

When it comes to BUSINESS, I create unique names. And often try to get it VERIFIED from Facebook. 

My account is 100% safe and shielded from the bans. You should do the SAME. Create accounts with authentic names. Or try to VERIFY all your accounts before Facebook bans occur. 

3. Avoid posting Scam links in Groups

It’s one of the BIGGEST problems where my hands are up! Just hands up! No other solutions. Facebook does not allow the SPAMMY links. 

Suppose you are posting in the GROUP or on your profile. ALARM for you! Stop doing. First of all, the FACEBOOK algorithm is quick and FAST. 

It will catch your scam links. If you are LUCKY, someone unquestionably reports your links. And the RESULT you already know. 

Stop doing it right away! 

4. Use Several Devices for Multiple Accounts

Have multiple FACEBOOK accounts? Don’t log them on a single MOBILE PHONE. 

Buy multiple devices. It will prevent permanent BLOCKS. You will also be SAFE from the IP BLOCKS. 

I have different devices for MY personal and business accounts. Therefore, I have NEVER faced a SINGLE problem. 

5. Moderately use Facebook

Is it your first time on the FACEBOOK? Just relax! Don’t get too excited. Use it MODERATELY. 

Don’t send hundreds of REQUESTS in one day. Don’t be online 24 hours. Better use when you need to CONNECT with your friends or family. 

Also, stop sending BULK messages. At the start, I ignored this ADVICE. And Facebook imposed a TEMPORARY BAN of 7 days on my account. 

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People Also Ask about Got Banned From Facebook

1. Who is banned from Facebook?

Look. Facebook does ban every single user having multiple accounts. However, Facebook teams BAN ACCOUNTS that don’t follow the rules. Spread hate. Or create accounts to post SPAMMY posts. 

2. I got banned from Facebook for “Hate Speech.” How do I get my account back?

It depends on whether they have GIVEN you a warning. And deactivated the account temporarily. If it is a permanent ban, UNFORTUNATELY, you can’t GET it back. SIMPLE!

3. Can Facebook permanently ban people? If so, what are some of the reasons?

Yes. Facebook can permanently delete your account. The FIRST reason is the VIOLATION of their terms and CONDITIONS. If you are USING copyright infringement, you might also be BANNED permanently. 

4. I’m banned from Facebook without being told. How long?

You must check how many DAYS Facebook has banned you. In a temporary ban, you’ll HAVE to wait 1, 3, 7, or 30 days sometimes. A PERMANENT ban has no SOLUTION unless you create a new account. 

5. What should I do if Facebook bans me?

There are multiple options. 
Wait in case of a TEMPORARY ban. 
Appeal the DECISION. 
Create a new account if Facebook has PERMANENTLY deleted your account. 

What’s Next

Have you ever FACED a Ban on your Facebook account? It is simple. 

Know the REASON why Facebook has banned you. Then, follow the TIPS. Don’t post TOO MUCH. Don’t be too active. Follow community STANDARDS. Interact WELL. Don’t do any suspicious activity. Eat well. And HAVE PEACE! 

That is the secret of the SAFE Facebook account, which never gets banned. I guarantee there will be NO MORE bans on your Facebook Accounts. 

Still, need some HELP? 

Reach out to SOME EXPERTS like Leeline Sourcing. Our professionals give you advice on how to revive your banned Facebook account and avoid suspensions. 

Call us to get the QUOTE! 

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Article by:

Sharline Shaw

Hey I'm Sharline, the founder of Leeline Sourcing. With 10 years of experience in the field of sourcing in China, we help 2000+ clients import from China,Alibaba,1688 to Amazon FBA or shopify. If you have any questions about sourcing , pls feel free to contact us.