The Beginner’s Eco-friendly Packaging No-nonsense Guide

Hey Savvy Ecomm-preneur!

Struggling to find a RELIABLE and UP-TO-DATE eco-friendly packaging guide? 

That ends today…

I am an Ecommerce entrepreneur. With a decade of experience in the Chinese export industry. I’ll show you what type of packaging is BEST for your business. And how it will help you attract more customers. Plus, scale to a 7-figure eCommerce shop in MONTHS.  

We dig deeper into the BEST eco-friendly packaging materials. How to incorporate sustainable packaging into your business. And its advantages. 

Let’s go… 

Eco-friendly packaging

What is considered eco-friendly packaging? 

What is considered eco-friendly packaging

Eco-friendly packaging is the use of sustainable packaging materials. (with little to no environmental impact).

But it wasn’t always like this…

Traditionally, conventional packaging was WIDELY incorporated by small businesses. And this model was TOTALLY flawed. 


It led to MASSIVE environmental pollution – through the use of non-biodegradable materials. Such as plastic packaging with HIGH carbon footprint that is DETRIMENTAL. 

Today, most businesses are adopting eco-friendly packaging materials such as:

  • Biodegradable packing peanuts
  • Mushroom packaging
  • Plant-based packaging (e.g., seaweed packaging, bagasse)
  • Cornstarch packaging
  • Compostable mailers

And the best part?

They have a LOWER carbon footprint. Hence, a more sustainable packaging alternative for the environment for YEARS. 

Did you know:? 54% of consumers prioritize sustainable product packaging when buying a product.

I’ll explain ALL the benefits of eco-friendly packaging in a bit. But first…

Eco-friendly packaging material

Allow me to reiterate: The market is starving for eco-friendly packaging solutions. And customers are thirsty for sustainability!

If you want to have ANY CHANCE at hitting that 7-figure every month. Your packaging needs to be on point. 

Here’s how to do it:

#1- Corrugated packaging

Corrugated packaging

This is the MOST common sustainable packaging model used by ecommerce stores. 

Corrugated packaging is made from 100% recycled cardboard and newspapers. Or from trees.

Why use it:

  • Cost-effective. Let’s not even talk about how my life was hard when I was using wooden boxes. (Those bulky crates were expensive asf!). Corrugated packaging boxes go for as little as $1 for folding boxes. And $2-3 for a printed labeled box.
  • Customizable. Custom packaging has never been better. You change the board type or adhesive used EASILY. Plus, you can add an extra layer with your personal brand name.

These items are VERY STRONG and can withstand EXTREME turbulence and pressure. And ensure customers’ packages arrive SAFELY. 

#2- Recyclable packaging

Recyclable packaging

This packaging is WIDELY used in the packaging industry.  

I went green six years ago. And business has never been any better!


Here’s why:

  • Great customer appeal. Quite self-explanatory. I’ve seen how customers are increasingly becoming aware of their environment. And my packaging aligns with their interests. Hence, a HUGE competitive advantage and 10X sales.
  • Environmental sustainability. No carbon footprint, no pollution…nothing

TIP. Use recycled packaging for packing beverages, pharmaceuticals, or beauty products.

#3- Compostable packaging

Compostable packaging

Compostable packaging materials are also a GREAT alternative if you wish to go green. 

As an eCommerce geek. I’ve tested dozens of eco-friendly packaging materials to find the BEST fit for my business.

And I can confidently say Compostable packaging is perfect if you are just starting out.

Here’s why:


Compostable packaging is made from plant-based materials. For example, bamboo, cornstarch, and sugar cane.

Oh, and you can decompose these materials from your home within 180 days. 

…make that 90 days with the RIGHT commercial compostable conditions. 

Here’s a no-nonsense guide on how to make your own compostable packaging products. 

EXPERT TIP. Keep metallic components or plastic films away from your home compost. That way, you avoid contaminating and ruining it. (BEEN THERE. TOTAL FRUSTRATION).

#4- Kraft paper packaging

Kraft paper packaging

Next up is Kraft paper. A packaging material made from Wood pulp. 

In lay terms…

These are just packaging materials made from a wide variety of wood. 

For example, Pine or Spruce. 

One of its HUGE advantages is that it’s STRONG and DURABLE. Thanks to its tear resistance, burst strength, and high tensile density. 

You pack ALL your bulky orders without stressing over damages. EVER.

#5- Mushroom packaging

Mushroom packaging

Mushroom packaging is also a growing trend in the eco-friendly packaging industry.

Wait, is this even possible? 


It is made from only two ingredients – Mycelium (fungus in mushrooms) and hemp hurd. 

Why use mushroom packaging?

  • 100% plastic free – made from only plant-based materials
  • Natural – reduces the amount of carbon footprint in the environment
  • Chemical free
  • Flame resistant

Ikea recently switched to mushroom packaging to promote sustainable living. According to the furniture giant, traditional polystyrene cannot be recycled. Hence, contributing to the global plastic waste disaster. 

#6- Glassine packaging

Glassine packaging

Glassine packaging is also a GREAT eco-friendly packaging solution. And an alternative to plastic bags. 

It is made from wood pulp. So it’s 100% paper and planet-friendly too. 

I use Glassine packages to ship tiny mechanical components, wax, or photographs. That’s because they are grease & moist resistant. Plus, they are INSANELY affordable.

Rest assured that ALL your cherished customer packages are secure from potential damage. 

Next up:

Advantages of eco-friendly packaging 

Advantages of eco-friendly packaging 

From my own experience, eco-friendly packaging offers 3 significant advantages. Over toxic, non-biodegradable plastic packaging.

But first, let’s talk about why eco-friendly packaging is spreading like wildfire:

  • Reusability. It can be used over and over. Thus, promoting a circular economy (much more on that later).
  • Ingredients. They are made from 100% raw or recycled materials.

Now to the ADVANTAGES:

To the environment…

Lower carbon footprint 

Eco-friendly packaging materials are made of 100% recycled materials. That means they require a less-intensive production process. Thus, reducing the levels of carbon emission to the environment. 

Also, it incorporates lightweight materials such as Kraft Paper. 

These materials require less fuel consumption during shipping. And further reduces LEVELS of carbon emission.

Kraft Paper packaging material

                                   “Kraft Paper packaging material”

VIVA eco-friendly revolution💪!

Give rise to a circular economy

A circular economy has two major principles:

  • Optimizing resource efficiency
  • Promote environmental sustainability

So how do eco-friendly packaging options promote a circular economy?

Eco-friendly materials (e.g., compostable mailers) are constantly recycled. Creating an effective closed-loop system. Where materials are recycled back into the production process.

The growth of the eco-friendly packaging industry creates an EFFECTIVE circular economy. Hence, minimizing waste pollution and conserving scarce resources.

To your business…  

Promotes a positive brand image

Today, millennials are ACTIVELY pushing brands to adopt sustainable alternatives. (e.g., recycled plastics).

Also, brands constantly contributing to plastic packaging waste are named and shamed! 


Adopt a sustainable business model TODAY. 

The result? 10X sales. 10X customers. 10X everything! 


Lower shipping costs

Eco-friendly packaging materials promote sustainable shipping because they are lightweight. Which in turn lowers shipping costs. 

Also, packing items into smaller boxes is a GREAT practice of sustainable packaging.

Say you pack items into a 15 X 15 X 15 shipping box. That’s a whopping $151.10 shipping fee by USPS Priority Mail Express. (Texas to New York).

OR. Ship using a 10 X 10 X 10 box and pay $41.65 ONLY. Save 109.45 on shipping costs. 

Are you pumped about creating a sustainable future for the world?  Come with us as we explore fun-filled eco-friendly packaging ideas. 

Tips to attain eco-friendly packaging for your business

Tips to attain eco-friendly packaging for your business

Now let’s take a dive deeper into how to can adopt eco-friendly packaging for your business:

Educate your customers on BEST recycling practices.

The best way to start going green is to involve your customers. 

Add a recycling icon to your brand label. OR. Give them a quick tutorial on how to recycle your product packaging. 

NOTE. Recycling varies depending on your location. Do your research on what and what not to do. That way, you avoid any lawsuits.

Incorporate plant-based packaging

So far, we’ve discussed the benefits of product packaging in this article. And I can’t agree more that it’s GREAT if you are a newbie in the eCommerce space.

That’s because they are made from ONLY biological raw materials. Again, they are pretty affordable. 

I recommend bioplastics if you are shipping foodstuff. And durable plant-based materials (e.g., mushrooms) if you ship bulky commodities. No way you can go wrong!

Ship in SMALLER packaging materials

You can use small shipping boxes, containers, or bags. That way, you lessen your ecological footprint and contribute to green living.

Also, it’s a way to enjoy huge shipping cost reductions. 

Prioritize compostable and biodegradable packaging models

One major reason I like compostable packaging is that it is CHEAP. 

You can make a home compost in your backyard. 

That’s way better than spending hundreds of dollars buying wooden boxes or plastics.

Here is an example of a home compost bin from Subpod:


Work with manufacturers who practice eco-friendly options

You need to work with manufacturers who incorporate sustainable options in their businesses. 

Yes, finding one is a daunting task. But you need one to guarantee the growth of your business. 

Here’s my short checklist you can follow:

LeelineSourcing short checklist

Ensure that ALL these requirements tick your eco-friendly objectives. Rather than settling on ANY random manufacturer who parrots about sustainable living. 

Also, don’t forget to assess their supply chain. The manufacturer should be transparent about where they source their materials. That way, you’ll make the decision for yourself whether they are eco-friendly or not.

BONUS TIP. Consider their pricing. If you can’t afford them, RUN!! And if their production capacity will limit you to scale, RUN FASTER!! 

Sustainable Packaging for Your Small Business

But I don’t have a big budget for a MASSIVE sustainable packaging model?

Don’t worry, I gatchu! 

Just start small. (DIY kinda stuff).

Here are some small business packaging ideas to get you started:

1. Handmade Wrapping papers

Ever thought of creating your own wrapping papers? 

Something like this:

Handmade Wrapping papers

Or this:

Handmade Wrapping papers

Just order a few plain eco-friendly wrapping papers from Amazon. Get a customizable stamp from Etsy. BAM- bring your design to life. 

EXPERT TIP. Explore ideas from Pinterest or TikTok to get your creative juices flowing. 

2. Custom Labels and Tags

They are great for making your brand stand out from competitors. And a unique way to showcase your brand loyalty to sustainable living. 

Custom Labels and Tags

I recommend using environmentally friendly options such as water-based inks. (for font styles). Or recycled paper (e.g., Hemp paper) for your labels and custom stickers.

Don’t forget to customize your labels and designs to complement the entire packaging. They should be of the RIGHT shape and size and should not overwhelm the packaging.  

Plus, you can work with local artisans to create eye-catching labels. And draw more customers.

3. Hand-written Notes

Repeated, profitable sales are the oxygen of your eCommerce business. 

Customers who feel appreciated are likely to come back again and again.


Everyone goes home happy!

That’s why you need to add hand-written notes or thank you cards to your packaging.

ALWAYS use tree-free paper for the notes to stay true to eco-friendly living.

4. Incorporate Natural Elements

You can add natural elements to your packaging to give it an aesthetic advantage. 

Try wrapping your package with a string of dried lavender, dried flower, or small pinecone. 

That way, you reduce packaging waste. And contribute to a sustainable environment.

Factors to consider when choosing sustainable packaging for your small business

  • Location of your supplier. Only work with local suppliers if you are just starting out. So you avoid high international shipping costs. 
  • Customer experience. DO NOT complicate the overall customer experience. It should be easy to open, practical, and protect products from damage. 

One Last Thing…

CONSISTENCY. Create a personal logo, font, color palette, and stickers. That’s what makes your brand memorable. And sets you on the path to UNLIMITED success. 

Eco-Friendly Packaging Ideas

I’ve spent the last ten long years trying out different eco-friendly packaging ideas. Brainstorming new packaging techniques to find the right fit for any business. 

If there was just a flicker of an idea on a RANDOM Sunday afternoon, I tried it. 

These are hard-worn ideas I’ve collected throughout my years in the eCommerce space.

Cardboard stool

Cardboard stool

Forget the old boring plastic stools. 

These BAD B**CHES are sustainable and durable enough to last for months, if not years. 

You can use them as your coffee table, bedside table, or seat when Grandpa visits. (just kidding!)

And the best part? 

You can disassemble it after use to save on floor space. 

Paper bottles

Paper bottles

This is my best so far on this list. 

Although they are not 100% cardboard, they are very sustainable. 

Paper bottles are made from newspapers or cardboard. Coupled with a thin reusable plastic on the inside. 

Wow, invention just keeps getting better!

Paper bottles have a GREAT human appeal. That’s because of their renewable factor, which is globally recognized. 

Reusable bag

Reusable bag

Are you aware:? 300 million plastic bags are found in the Atlantic Ocean ALONE!

300. Million. Plastic. Bags. That’s ten times Australia’s population. 

That’s why Reusable bags are a game changer. 

They are made from raw materials, and they can be reused as many times as you wish. 

Isn’t that awesome? 

Cardboard balls

Cardboard balls

Cardboard balls are a no-brainer, FOR SURE. 

They were designed by a Korean company, Unplug Design. To promote recyclable packaging. And a source of entertainment for children living in third-world countries. 

These balls feature a unique custom design. That allows you to tailor it to your favorite soccer ball, handball, or baseball. 


Leaf plates

Leaf plates

Remember when you last went on a vacation, and the food was so good. You almost ate the whole plate!

Next time, tell them to serve it to you on a leaf plate 😂. 

I wouldn’t recommend eating the plate, but the design is sick. 

Let’s dive into its specs:

  • The lid is made from reusable plastics (Bioplastics)
  • The bowl is made of water-proof leaf-made paper and leaves

Zero coloring. Zero synthetic additives. Zero glue. Perfect for a green-living die-hard!

Newspaper egg carton

Newspaper egg carton

News egg carton is one for the books. 

It features a simple yet unique design. Basically, you create an egg carton from a single sheet of discarded newspaper. 

Think of the design as the infamous Origami Paper Folding Technique. 

You take a single sheet of paper and fold it into a square basket. Place another sheet of paper beneath it to act as a cushioning material. 

Finally, wrap a string of cards around it to keep everything intact. 

Good job, boy! You just made yourself a Newspaper egg carton.  

FAQs about Eco-Friendly Packaging

1. How do you pack fragile items without bubble wrap?

There are tons of options to pack fragile items without bubble wrap. 
You can use white packaging paper, which cushions your fragile items. And prevents them from breaking during shipment. 

2. How to package with eco-friendly material for shipping?

There’s A LOT of eco-friendly packaging materials for shipping in the market. 
You can use biodegradable packing tape and stickers. Recycled Kraft shopping bags. Or Recycled corrugated cardboard boxes.  

3. Are there eco-friendly packaging options for food and perishable goods?

They include:
· Biodegradable packaging (e.g., plant-based packaging)
· Recycled packaging (e.g., Recycled cardboard, paper)
· Compostable packaging
· Edible packaging 
· Pulp and fiber-based packaging

4. Is there any risk of eco-friendly packaging?

Eco–friendly packaging also comes with its own share of disadvantages. 
For instance, it gives rise to cross-contamination. Where it becomes hard to recycle the materials. Hence, end up in landfills creating even more waste to the environment.  

What’s Next

Phew, are you still there? 2,500+ words, and I’m worn out!

I hope this guide has covered all your burning questions about eco-friendly packaging. 

Here’s my takeaway:

Eco-friendly packaging will revolutionize the entire packaging industry. And I hope you don’t miss this opportunity of pioneering sustainable living. 

Also, take it as an opportunity to appeal to the greater masses. And grow your eCommerce biz.

Are you looking for a Chinese dropshipping supplier with eco-friendly packaging options? Or do you want to find your next BEST SELLER? Send us an email on our contact pages. Our team will be in touch SHORTLY. 

Do you want a successful import business?


Hey, I’m Sharline, co-founder of  LeelineSourcing. We’ve helped 2000+ customers import from China.

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Article by:

Sharline Shaw

Hey I'm Sharline, the founder of Leeline Sourcing. With 10 years of experience in the field of sourcing in China, we help 2000+ clients import from China,Alibaba,1688 to Amazon FBA or shopify. If you have any questions about sourcing , pls feel free to contact us.