1688 Dropshipping Agent Cut Down Dropshipping Cost

Dropshipping on 1688 can be quite HARD. Especially for new sellers looking to get their feet wet on this tough eCommerce landscape.

But with the RIGHT guidance, profits are UNIMAGINABLE!

Here at Leeline Sourcing, we’ve been an active 1688 agent for the past decade. Working with thousands of clients and sourcing over 30,000 products. And we’ll help you kick start your 1688 dropshipping business and scale it to six figures.

To help you make an informed decision. This is the ONLY guide you’ll ever need for dropshipping on 1688.

We’ll cover how dropshipping works on 1688. A detailed blueprint on how you can start dropshipping on the platform. Secret tips to help you win better deals from suppliers. Pros and cons. 

Ready? Let’s get started!


What Is 1688 Dropshipping?

1688.com is an e-commerce marketplace owned and run by Alibaba Group of Companies. It is one of the largest online platforms for online shopping. Just like its main company, 1688 allows buyers to access factories, trading companies, and wholesalers from China.

1688.com is the biggest and most varied online shopping website in China. You can search for any domain or industry you want, and the site will redirect you to the respective suppliers.

Many people are often baffled by the name of the site being 1688. In Chinese, 1688 reads as “Yao Liu Ba Ba,” which sounds similar to its main directory Alibaba.

It is common for companies in China and Asia to substitute the names of their subsidiaries. The primary difference between Alibaba and 1688 is that the latter has been created only for domestic trades.

For the Chinese, the use of Alibaba or AliExpress isn’t allowed, since both these platforms have focused on export from day one. People from China have to deploy different means to buy from these platforms.

However, with manufacturing easy and low-cost in China, people are often reluctant to buy from these sites. They can buy these products in their local markets. That is why Alibaba focuses solely on exporting.

1688 is focused on providing goods on a domestic scale. This difference is illuminated with 1688 being in Chinese while Alibaba has translations in several languages.

Suggested reading: Best 16 Dropshipping Websites
Suggested reading: Sites Like Alibaba : Alibaba Alternative In China
Suggested reading: Best 10 Alibaba Freight Forwarders
Suggested reading: Best 20 China Online Shopping Sites to Buy Wholesale

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How Does Dropshipping Work On 1688.Com?

How Does Dropshipping Work On 1688.Com

There’s NEVER been a better time to make money with the 1688 dropshipping business. People are literally making thousands of dollars in the e-commerce marketplace.

But still, other peeps are struggling to stay profitable in this business model. 

So first, let’s cover what processes are involved.

1. Sourcing

There are millions of products listed in 1688.

And since the website is in Chinese language. Finding  HIGH QUALITY products is a daunting task. Even when using Google Translate.

Again, there are lots of Chinese suppliers. Thus causing a language barrier.

The BEST move is to partner with a RELIABLE 1688 agent like Leeline Sourcing.

Not only are we based in China. But, we have a decade of experience sourcing from thousands of 1688 Chinese suppliers. And factory owners.

We’ll help you find hot-selling products at AFFORDABLE prices. That way, you can focus on what really matters: business growth and marketing.

2. Sample Purchasing

I tell ALL our clients NEVER to make bulk purchases without first testing samples.

This is one of the MOST crucial steps in the 1688 dropshipping business.

There are two ways to this:

  • Do it alone
  • Let your agent ask for samples from the supplier

If you want to contact your supplier DIRECTLY. You’ll need to be detailed when assessing samples. 

Use our checklist when asking for samples from your dropshipping supplier:

Sample Purchasing

Better still, send us your requirements. Our team will contact your supplier for samples on your behalf.

Quick Tip: Asking for samples gives you an overview of the supplier’s product quality. And overall operation. You will spot potential issues that might arise later. Avoid HUGE losses in the long run.

This brings us to…

3. Quality Inspection

Quality Inspection

This is yet another important step.

Of course, the most obvious reason is to ensure your products meet the required standards.

But also it helps to identify potential problems. So you don’t end up shipping a DEFECTIVE item to the customer. And ruin your dropshipping store reputation.

Leeline Sourcing has TOP-LEVEL quality inspection protocols.

We offer a thorough background check. To ensure that your dropshipping suppliers have their papers in order. Pre-production inspection to check the quality of raw materials. And the machines used in production.

In-process production to ensure drop ship products are TOP-NOTCH. Pre-shipment inspection to confirm the TOTAL number of items received is accurate. And a final check to ascertain that there are NO DEFECTIVE items during actual shipment. 

4. Bargaining

Negotiating can be a little tricky.

Like I said before, you are dealing with Chinese suppliers. And you prolly not understanding each other PERFECTLY due to language barriers.

But that shouldn’t make you shy away from 1688 altogether. Here at Leeline Sourcing, we’ll negotiate the BEST prices on your behalf. So you save more to reinvest in your dropshipping business. You Can’t Lose!

5. Shipping


The BIGGEST downside with 1688 is that ONLY ships within Chinese territories. (making it even harder for dropshippers). 

So, you’ll still need an agent to complete the shipping process.

Most of them can be SUPER slow. We’ve had clients coming to us. And complaining that they received goods after 45+ days.

The good thing about working with us is that you get PREMIUM freight forwarding services

That includes Air Freight, which takes 2 – 5 days. Railway freight that takes 15 – 40 days. And Sea Freight guarantees delivery of your products in 15 – 40 days.

Also, you can opt for our Express Shipping, which takes 1 – 3 business days. 

6. Storage

Here are a few things to keep in mind – China’s customs clearance takes up to 7 days. You need a warehouse to store them as you (or the agent) work on the paperwork.

Don’t have a warehouse? No problem! Leeline Sourcing has you covered.

We have multiple warehouses in China. That way, you can store your products as they await clearance for shipping.

7. Packing


So, your products are at the warehouse? It is time to repack and label them according to your brand image.Here, we sort and package your products. Plus, you get custom options that include branded packaging. To increase your brand visibility and SKYROCKET your profit margins.

How To Do Dropshipping With 1688?

Here’s a MASTER’S dropshipping process on 1688:

Step 1) Fire Up 1688.com and Create An Account

Fire Up 1688.com and Create An Account


Just head over to 1688’s website. And hit the “free registration” button on the right side of the web page.

Get this – you are drop shipping. So, register for an enterprise account/ business account instead of a personal account.

Fire Up 1688.com and Create An Account

Scroll down the page. Then click on the “Consent Agreement” at the bottom of the page.

Fire Up 1688.com and Create An Account

You’ll be required to fill in your correct phone number and name. Then, create a STRONG password.

Now, here’s a little secret that ALWAYS saves me time.

1688’s website is in Chinese, right? But did you know Google’s Translate plugin doesn’t change the registration web page? 

You still have to manually use Google Translation on a new tab to translate each word. That’s just a whole lot of work!!

My hack is to use the Translate App on my iPhone. To translate the wording on the webpage in real-time. So, I know what I’m filling. It literally takes seconds. Just open the app and point the camera to the web page.


Fire Up 1688.com and Create An Account

Android guys can download the Google Translate app on PlayStore.

Expert Tip: Enable alerts on your 1688 business account. You’ll get notifications on login attempts (saves you from fraud). Password change alters. Suspicious activity alerts. And Payment alerts.

Ke Wei, Procurement Expert

To do this, head over to account settings. Look up security preferences. Then, scroll to the notification preferences and customize the alert setting.

Step 2) Find Hot Selling Items on 1688

You can:

  • Research products by typing in relevant keywords
  • Use appropriate images to find products

Wait, lemme explain that in detail.

Using Keywords

If you are an avid online shopper. Then you probably have been using this method. 

Just type the keyword of the product you want to find on the search bar. You get hundreds of results in seconds.

Here’s an example:

Find Hot Selling Items on 1688

Pretty simple, right?

Using Images

I feel like 1688 outdid themselves on this one.

Basically, there’s a camera icon on the search bar. Just click on it. Upload image. And BAM- instant results in just a few seconds.

Find Hot Selling Items on 1688

And the accuracy…TOP TIER!!

See the results🤯:

Find Hot Selling Items on 1688

Good job, 1688!

Expert Tip: ONLY upload images with no background for the BEST results. This helps 1688 give you precise results. Including the colors, unique features, and other details.

Roy Liu, Senior Purchasing Expert

Step 3) Import the Products to Your Online Store

Next up is importing products to your e-commerce store.

Say you want to import products to your Shopify Store…

The most common way is to download the product details in a CSV file. And upload it to your store.

Here’s an example of a sample of a CSV file:

Import the Products to Your Online Store

Once your CSV file is complete (with detailed product data, including image URLs). You can now import it to your Shopify store with just a few clicks.

Expert Tip: Test import your CSV file with a subset from the existing data. You’ll QUICKLY identify errors and make adjustments. Again, you can troubleshoot errors on time. As opposed to working with the entire product list (BEEN THERE, ALMOST GAVE UP).

Alan Almametov, Purchasing Expert

Just go to your Shopify admin dashboard. Hit Import. And then Add File to upload your CSV file.

Step 4) Buy Product From 1688

You’ve got two options:

Option 1: Direct Purchase

Here, you DIRECTLY make the purchase for your customer. Once you get a buyer request.

Just confirm the specifics of the product listed on your store. And make the purchase from a RELIABLE supplier.

Buy Product From 1688

Option 2: Bulk Purchase

Go to the bulk purchasing section in 1688. Download the customer’s order information list from your eCommerce store. Format it using 1688’s template. And wait for the supplier to fulfill the bulk purchase.

Buy Product From 1688

Expert Tip: Most suppliers love bulk purchases on this wholesale marketplace (1688). So, if you are working with suppliers directly. Don’t hesitate to negotiate for AFFORDABLE rates. Just remember to be polite and realistic to get BETTER discounts. 

Corrado Pece, Expert Purchasing Equipment in China


  • Huge Number Of Suppliers

There are thousands of RELIABLE suppliers in 1688. This is a HUGE plus since you enjoy competitive prices. That way, you can compare and settle for one that is within your budget range.

Again, this removes overdependence on one supplier. So, when your supplier is complaining about stock shortages. You turn to an alternative supplier. Never stop your dropshipping businesses because of a supplier!

Not sure you can find reliable suppliers alone? No worries! Leeline Sourcing helps you build a catalog of TRUSTWORTHY suppliers in no time. Plus, we’ll vet them and ensure they comply with industry standards.

  • Wide Product Variety

1688 is a one-stop shop when it comes to dropshipping products. There’s literally EVERYTHING you can think of.

From industrial machinery, home accessories, and fashion apparel to electronics. YOU NAME IT. You won’t have to jump between different e-commerce sites. To find dropship products for your online store.

Get HIGH-SELLING products with Leeline Sourcing today! No need to spend hours and hours doing research by yourself. Our EXPERTS source winning products that generate MASSIVE sales for your business.

  • Direct Access to Manufacturers

I like 1688.com for this reason.

Most sellers on this platform are manufacturers. Or wholesalers. Hence, you are likely to get a CHEAPER price (since there are no middlemen).

  • Lower Purchasing Cost

The Hong Kong company (1688) for its lower prices.

First, because of the high number of suppliers. Each wants to stand out from their competitors. Also, since it was designed for local Chinese buyers. You get to enjoy relatively lower prices compared to Alibaba. Or other e-commerce sites.


  • Language Barrier

Rant incoming…

1688 should STRONGLY consider re-programming the entire website to English. I mean, they have millions of buyers from all over the world.

Yes, you can use Google Translate or the Translator App, as I showed you. But this is still time-consuming compared to shopping DIRECTLY on Alibaba.

Also, most suppliers are Chinese. So, you still need a 1688 Agent to be safe (I’m just saying).

Our team helps you negotiate BETTER deals with suppliers. You enjoy SEAMLESS business transactions.

  • Finding Quality Products Can be Hard

I see most dropshippers just want to save costs and settle for the CHEAPEST supplier.

This is just a suicide mission. Chances are the cheapest supplier has LOW QUALITY products. Customers will request refunds. They are soon out of business.

You’ll need an agent that has experience dealing with multiple suppliers. To avoid quality issues and other inconveniences.

At LeelineSourcing, we’ve been sourcing items for thousands of clients for the past 10 years. We guarantee you PREMIUM products. That helps you stand out in the ferocious marketplace. And enjoy six-figure profits. 

  • High Shipping Costs

Shipping is one of the BIGGEST challenges. Not just 1688 – even with other TOP eCommerce platforms.

And if you are shipping heavy items, shipping costs just go through the roof.

1688 Dropshipping Review

Choose a Reliable 1688 Supplier for Dropshipping

I’ll show you a few tricks of the trade. On how I’ve been able to build a portfolio of TRUSTWORTHY 1688 suppliers:

1. Years of Business Operations

Years of Business Operations

I would go for a supplier with the most years of experience ANY DAY!

Here’s why:

  • It shows that a supplier has ALWAYS exceeded customer expectations over time. They are NOT likely to deliver low-quality products to tarnish their brand.
  • Have an in-depth knowledge of the business. And can provide guidance in terms of product selection. Or personalization options.
  • Are looking for long-term partnerships. They are not just some kid behind a computer looking for quick cash.

Expert Tip: In business, the customer always comes first, but a close second is working with suppliers who have a proven track record and years of experience. Trust and reliability are key to successful partnerships.

Jack Ma, Founder of Alibaba Group.

2. Supplier Communication

The last thing you want is to have a supplier whose phone suddenly doesn’t ring. After receiving the payment. Trust me that hurts more than hitting your ‘baby toe’ on the corner of the bed.

So, pay attention to the supplier’s response times.

Are they taking too long to respond? That’s probably a supplier that would give you a heart attack when your order is delayed.

Also, if they want you to pay with ‘fishy’ payment methods such as Bitcoin or Ethereum. RUN!!

3. Product Quality

“The more expensive the product, the better the quality!” – That’s basically what’s parrotted in every seller group out there.

Personally, I think that regardless of the price, there should be an agreed level of quality.

Otherwise, an e-commerce business would be left for only the BIG spenders.

Just don’t go for the CHEAPEST product in the market.

Again, quality isn’t just about how well the product performs. It’s more than that. Check out our checklist:

How Does Dropshipping Work On 1688.Com

4. Previous Customer Reviews

Lastly, you want to check what the customers are saying about the supplier.

What’s the feedback from previous customers? Are they positive? Do customers recommend them to other buyers?

If you answer “yes” to all these questions. Then, there’s ARGUABLE no reason why you shouldn’t take a chance on that supplier.

Here’s an example of a 1688 supplier with positive reviews:

Previous Customer Reviews

Here’s an example of one you shouldn’t buy from:

Previous Customer Reviews

However, if it is just one review against hundreds of reviews. Then, you should prolly work with that supplier.

5. Difficulties Of Sourcing From 1688.Com

Another rant incoming…

I already droned on about the language hassle on 1688 TWICE in this article. So, I’ll just get to the much deeper stuff.

The order collection process at 1688 is meh at best. That still boils down to the communication challenge between the suppliers.

I don’t want to sound like a shill. But the best bet is to partner with a 1688 agent like Leeline Sourcing. We’ve been dealing with 1688 suppliers for ages. Built long-term relationships. So, the collection process is ALWAYS a breeze. No delays, no excuses, nothing!

Difficulties Of Sourcing From 1688.Com

You don’t get to inspect your products before delivery. I get that – because you are probably living miles away. Leeline Sourcing will send its team to the supplier’s factory. To inspect the product before final delivery.

Shipping options at 1688 won’t impress you.

I’ll go full Karen mode on 1688’s shipping modes here. If I’m paying for products, I expect them to be shipped regardless of my location.

Seriously, why does 1688 only ship within China? So, one way or another, you still need an agent that offers international shipping. 

6. Tips to Help Negotiate with Suppliers on 1688.com

Here are a few tips to help you get a BETTER deal:

Have a Deep Understanding Of the Product and Its Average Market Price

ALWAYS make an effort to understand your product. These include its functionality and exclusive features (if they exist). That way, you’ll avoid unnecessary hidden expenses.

Again, having a clue on the current market price. Will help you avoid overpriced products from dubious dropshipping suppliers.

Maintain a Cordial Relationship With your Dropshipping Supplier

Strong words, I know!

Don’t overdo it, though. Suppliers are normal human beings. They expect you to be polite and respectful at all times.

Avoid the feeling of entitlement. Don’t tell the supplier: “I know where I can get it cheaper.” Or “Why are you so expensive?”. That’s just wrong (shame on anyone who does that!).

Instead, try to form a mutually beneficial relationship. And you enjoy a STEADY supply chain for your drop shipping business.

Understand Mutual Interests

Get this – one-sided contracts NEVER last long.

Put yourself in the supplier’s shoes. Understand their interests. At times, the supplier DOES NOT want to adjust their prices. So, try negotiating a better deal on shipping customized packaging. Or discounts on bulk orders.

How to Choose A Reliable 1688 Dropshipping Agent?

Finding a RELIABLE 1688 dropshipping agent is HARD.

Here are a few things to look out for:

  • Years of experience – should have a solid track record
  • They should be licensed and insured by RELEVANT authorities
  • Offer one-stop solutions, including product sourcing, quality inspection, and shipping
  • Fast response times 

Leeline Sourcing is one of the MOST TRUSTED 1688 dropshipping agents in China. And for the past decade, we’ve helped thousands of clients source WINNING products in 1688. 

We’ve worked with HUGE corporations, including Airwallex, 101 Commerce, and Beelogistics. And we’ve ALWAYS delivered PRISTINE services.

How to Choose A Reliable 1688 Dropshipping Agent?

Our team of professionals will source HIGH TICKET products on 1688. Do a THOROUGH quality inspection. Negotiate prices on your behalf. And organize FAST shipping services with our partners. Dropshipping has never been this easy!

And our customer service team? PERFECTO! Just send us an email, and our team responds almost IMMEDIATELY.

Expert Tip: Ask the agent to give you a detailed quote of all fees included. These include upfront fees, commission rates, or any other hidden charges. You’ll budget yourself appropriately and avoid unnecessary debts.

Sarah Shi, Senior Purchase

Looking for the Best China Sourcing Agent?

Leeline Sourcing helps you find factories, get competitive prices, follow up production, ensure quality and deliver products to the door.

How to Pay for 1688 Dropshipping Orders?

1688 payment methods are pretty straightforward. They have ONLY three payment methods, which include:


How to Pay for 1688 Dropshipping Orders

Most dropshippers use this method to pay suppliers on 1688.

Just head over to Alipay and register an account if you don’t have one already.

Quick Tip: Check if Alipay supports your bank card before you open an account. Also, check for any possible restrictions due to your location or nationality.

1688 Purchase Funds

Works for REGULAR 1688 shoppers.

1688 allows their long-time shoppers to redeem their purchase funds. And continue shopping.

Bank Transfer

This is a bit complicated.

Lemme explain…

1688 is a Chinese wholesale marketplace. It was originally meant for local Chinese shoppers. So, suppliers ONLY accept payments in CNY. So, you’ll still need to open a local account to convert your money to CNY.

How to Pay for 1688 Dropshipping Orders

Wait, hold on! 

If you are debating on whether or not to go through all these processes. Just find a 1688 agent. Since they have flexible payment methods

1688 Business Models and 1688 Xunyuantong API Integration

This is one of the BEST innovations by 1688.

Think of the Xunyuantong API as a bridge that connects your store to 1688’s official website. That way, you can enjoy access to the one million source manufacturers/suppliers.

Now, that’s thoughtful of 1688. Because dropshippers are no longer limited to domestic suppliers. And can source from the diverse supplier catalog of other procurement websites. That is in partnership with 1688.

1688 Business Models and 1688 Xunyuantong API Integration

And the statistics are grim:

European and American merchants that have tested the API. Increased their daily order growth by 69%. While Japanese merchants increased their orders by 42%. Pretty cool, right? 

Well, enough with the praises. Here’s how the Xunyuantong API integration will help grow your business:

Firstly, you get access to a global marketplace filled with lots of suppliers. Thus, you get a wide range of options. And, of course, competitive prices.

The Xunyuantong API also gives you a seamless procurement process. Since you don’t have to hop between multiple eCommerce platforms. You save time. To focus on pressing business issues: creating an effective marketing strategy.

Again, the API ensures you are UP TO DATE with industry trends. That way, you stay ahead of your competition. And attract more customers like a vacuum cleaner on steroids.

Sold out already? 

At Leeline Sourcing, we’ll show you how to use the Xunyuantong API to your advantage. And help you create a PROFITABLE dropshipping store.

What Is 1688 Xunyuantong Plan?

What is 1688 Xunyuantong Plan

1688’s plans to revolutionize the game with their API. That outperforms traditional API functionalities using their AI-powered API interface.

In lay terms…

1688 is giving its buyers an assistant. That offers SEAMLESS cross-border business transactions.

Users can find products instantly using images, words, and links. Plus, they can employ tag-based searches for ACCURATE price comparisons.

There are three types of buyers that will benefit from this POWERFUL innovation:

1. Super buyers. They source products directly from 1688. In fact, they are the majority. And play an important role in bridging the supply and demand gap.

2. Purchasing Agents. For example, Leeline Sourcing. We are more like intermediaries in the B2B model. We source products from 1688’s local merchants. And ship them to the international market.

We’ve been testing the Xunyuantong API for the past few years. And it’s helped in sourcing BEST SELLING items for our overseas clients. In turn, our clients enjoy more customers and 10X profit margins.

3. ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) Systems. Don’t mind the big worlds. These are just SAAS providers that offer merchants software solutions. Including platform integration, order management, and inventory management.

So, in summary, Xunyuantong plans to create an EFFICIENT global marketplace. By connecting both local and international buyers to Chinese merchants.

How To Dropship From 1688 Via Shopify?

Like I said before, you can import items from 1688 to Shopify using a CSV file. Just that this method is HELLA TIRESOME.

You literally spend hours filling items into your CSV file.

So, if you are like me (no patience at all), then opt for a FASTER. And a CONVENIENT method. There’s no better way to do this than hiring a 1688 agent.

That’s where Leeline Sourcing comes in.

How To Dropship From 1688 Via Shopify?

We’ll help you run your Shopify Store like a BOSS. First up, we source HIGH TICKET products for your store. No more listing deadstock in your store. EVER.

Also, we offer quality inspection to ENSURE requirements are up to par. No defects! That way, you ALWAYS deliver PREMIUM goods to customers. And enjoy 10X profit margins!

Don’t stress about payments. We accept multiple payment methods. So, you can enjoy a SEAMLESS business transaction.

Lastly, we liaise with our shipping partners, including DHL and FedEx. You get AFFORDABLE shipping costs. Customers get their products SUPER FAST. Hence, you enjoy long-term business success.

Looking for the Best 1688 Products?

Leelinesourcing helps you find the Best Products Made in China with high quality at an attractive cost.

Difficulties Of Sourcing From 1688.Com

Even with several benefits that come with 1688, there are some issues that the buyers confront while operating. Some of which are discussed below:

1. Communication

The foremost hassle is communication. Alibaba and AliExpress allow the translation of the site into different languages.

However, 1688 is solely focusing on providing goods to the local market. This is the reason that it is based on the Chinese language.

Moreover, similar to Alibaba, you need to locate reliable suppliers that are able to communicate in your language.

As dropshipping is a serious e-commerce business, it is highly advised that you take supplier communication seriously.

Even if the supplier can speak English, keep the translation simple and to the point. Fun fact: When talking with Chinese suppliers, be straightforward and don’t even bother to communicate with the wrong grammar.

That is why you need an effective sourcing agent who can work smoothly with Chinese suppliers to make your e-commerce business operations go smoothly.

2. Payment

1688 is PURELY a Chinese market. But I use the SOURCING agencies to pay. Foreign sellers can’t use the ACCOUNT. You should find the sourcing agents for this purpose.

Another reason why operating on 1688 can be difficult is the payment issue. As highlighted earlier, 1688 doesn’t allow outsiders to operate on the site.

It focuses on providing benefits to the domestic market. Foreign buyers even with international Alipay accounts are unable to proceed with the payments.

Additionally, the prices mentioned for the products are in Chinese currency. You would need to convert the total amount, including shipment into your local currency to proceed.

All these issues are time-consuming, which is why many people prefer operating from Alibaba or AliExpress.

3. Collect Orders

The collection of the orders is another hassle. Even if the agent is working for you to source the products, you still need to make seamless communication with the supplier to get the order.

Finding suppliers is one hassle. However, waiting for order collection is another issue that many dropshippers have to face while operating on 1688.

4. Inspect The Items

Quality check has always been one of the issues of dropshipping. It is severely important especially if you’re dropshipping from China.

I have faced many problems when customers complaint about:

  • Product arrived damaged.
  • The quality is not great.

Therefore, you should hire INSPECTION companies before you work in dropshipping niche.

Although buyer protection allows you to send back the products within a limited time frame, getting a foiled shipment can ruin your dropshipping business.

A schedule is maintained which then has to be rescheduled so that goods can be exchanged. Though the refunding process can still take a lot of time.

5. Return And Change Problematic Items


As highlighted before, faulty products are one of the biggest issues in dropshipping from China. AliExpress has a bad repute in this matter.

Many customers have reported faulty products when ordered from the platform. What’s even worse is that you have to pay for the shipment to return the goods.

This is the reason many of the customers don’t bother returning the goods. On the other hand, 1688 facilitates the customers by allowing free shipment of faulty products.

My customers APPRECIATE FREE RETURNS. And most of the time I refund them if there is any problem. It makes my customers purchase new products next TIME.

The agent can contact the supplier on your behalf and lead to the opening of the dispute. Once the dispute settles in your favor, you will either get a refund or the supplier will resend goods of the proper quality.

6. Consolidating And Repacking

The products from 1688 have to be consolidated and repacked for further shipping. This increases the expenses further, adding to the costs.

The suppliers are only viable to ship the products. The packaging of the goods has to be done at your own or a third-party warehouse.

7. Shipping To International Addresses

Shipping to international addresses is one concern. However, getting your shipment on time is another issue that dropshippers need to worry about.

This is another most common besides poor quality products. Many suppliers scam buyers by asking for money before the shipment. In the end, they never actually send the goods.

On the other hand, you have to calculate the estimated amount for international shipping. The cost of shipping is provided in Chinese currency when ordered from 1688. You have to convert it into the currency for the desired location, which is another hassle.

Suggested reading: Top 7 China Trade Shows

Top 10 1688 Dropshipping Agent

1. LeelineSourcing


LeelineSourcing is considered the best 1688 dropshipping agent in China, serving local and international customers. The company began operation in 2009 and has become customers’ go-to agency when sourcing products from 1688.

LeelineSourcing does business with small, medium, and big-scale business enterprises. They offer comprehensive product sourcing services, from getting the product to order fulfillment through a top-notch dedicated team.

In addition, their sourcing agents boost an in-depth knowledge of the Chinese market and know the suitable methods for supporting customers to get the best Chinese suppliers. Arrange the same quality product at a cheaper price.

LeelineSourcing is the BEST EVER COMPANY I have worked with. They have 13 years of experience. Above all, their EXPERTS make transparent deals increasing your confidence.



EPROLO is one of the leading online dropshipping service providers in China. They have serviced over 250+ dropshippers globally. Their services cover product sourcing, inventory management, brand building, etc.

EPROLO also helps customers access private and white-label products, allowing for branded dropshipping. They have well-integrated online stores that service the needs of 1688 customers. 

3. Nichedropping


Nichedropping is a product sourcing agent that caters to the needs of 1688.com and Alibaba customers by connecting them to product suppliers. They source products and take care of every other logistics till the order is fulfilled. 

And it is 100% TRUE they offer the TAILORED SOLUTION. I asked them to source the custom inventory. And they did it with the LOWEST POSSIBLE prices. Isn’t it great?

This sourcing agent has warehouses in China and the USA and can quickly fulfill your wholesale orders. Nichedropping makes use of top different international payment methods. You’re guaranteed the best 1688 dropshipping experience with Nichedropping’s special after-sales team.

There is a shortcut solution to all the challenges in doing 1688 dropshipping. You can hire the services of NicheDropshipping and bypass all the difficulties in sourcing products from 1688.

4. CJdropshipping


CJdropshipping is well-integrated and takes care of foreign customers’ needs to buy goods from China. CJdropshipping has hundreds of thousands of best-selling products for dropshipping. The firm sources goods from 1688 and Taobao with no MOQ(minimum order quantity) or upfront payment. It began operation in 2014 under the leadership of Andy Chou, who has grown the firm to a leading one-stop dropshipping in China.

5. Bestfulfill 


Bestfulfill is an online dropshipping agent that provides customers with A-Z dropshipping services. They help Shopify and other online retailers buy goods from Chinese marketplaces like 1688.Com, Alibaba, and AliExpress. Bestfulfill excels in keeping the secrets of their customers’ winning products. They have an automated ERP system that handles your order and tracks them automatically.

6. Shipant


I hired Shipant last week. Their drop shipping AGENTS took my business seriously and provided fast shipping. Their inspection services put my priorities on the TOP and got me good quality items.

ShipAnt is a fast-rising dropshipping agent in China. They helped both local and international dropshippers source quality dropshipping suppliers in 1688. ShipAnt ensures their customers get cheaper goods from 1688 than AliExpress. Their sourcing and order fulfillment services are swift.

7. Banggood


Banggood began operation in 2006 and has consistently met the needs of its customers. Their return policies are their selling point. Banggood has warehouses scattered across China, the USA, the U.K., Australia, and other European countries. This makes it easy for them to fulfill your orders faster than other dropshippers. Their multiple payment methods make it very easy to use their services. In addition, they use various shipping options and international carriers to fulfill customers’ orders. 

I have worked with BANGGOOD for dropshipping. If you are a drop shipper, BANGGOOD can get your excellent quality products. They have raised my profits with COST-EFFECTIVE products.

Suggested reading: Is Banggood Legit
Suggested reading: Banggood vs Aliexpress

8. Jingsourcing 


Jingsourcing has been in the business of connecting buyers to dropshipping suppliers in China since 2015. They have a large team of agents who ensure that product sourcing, picking, packing, and order fulfillment services are delicately done to the last detail. In addition, Jingsourcing provides customers with various options for branded product packaging and customization.

My dealings with JING SOURCING have been great. Their team is very adept at managing your products. A to Z drop shipping services are provided by their team.

9. DHgate


DHgate is a top online marketplace for dropshippers in China. DHgate has about twenty categories of products on their website ranging from electronics to accessories. The products in their inventory run into millions, and there is no minimum order quantity required to buy from almost all the niches. DHgate has many payment methods for users and uses top reliable shipping companies for shipping.

Suggested reading: Dhgate Shipping Time
Suggested reading: Dhgate Paypal
Suggested reading: How to apply for a refund on Dhgate?

10. FreeShoppingChina


FreeShoppingChina is a reputable TaoBao agent that helps dropshippers buy goods from 1688. com. This firm helps you get any desired product and ship it to your location. They use their excellent communication skills in English and Chinese to win customers globally. FreeShoppingChina has been operating since 2010 and offers 10 billion products with up to 70% off.

FAQs About 1688 Dropshipping

Here are some FAQs about 1688 dropshipping that may help you with your queries:

How Is 1688.Com Related To Alibaba.Com?

Just like AliExpress, 1688 is another subsidiary of Alibaba. Though it is only working on domestic levels and provides B2B services to the customers in China.

Is It Reliable To Buy At 1688.Com?

Yes. 1688 is a reliable platform. However, you would need to hire a 1688 agent to help you with the purchase. As explained earlier, the site’s goal is to facilitate the domestic online shopping market of China.

The site itself is featured in the Chinese language, which makes it difficult for foreigners to use the site for their needs.

That is why hiring an agent will help you move across the platform as well as get orders according to your needs.

Positive feedback from customers The supplier with the most numbers in the criteria discussed above will be 1688 of your reliable suppliers. There are some additional standards on 1688 that may be suitable for suppliers that you carry with you.

Are There 1688.Com Buying Agents?

Yes, there are buying agents on 1688. These agents can work for domestic clients as well as foreign clients.

They know how the platform works and are in contact with several Chinese suppliers. Moreover, they also attend different trade shows to know what new suppliers and domains are entering the market.

How Do I Open A 1688 Account?

One way is to use the account details that you’ve used to buy from Taobao or AliExpress. This allows you to register your account using the same credentials.

However, if you want, you can register on the site like any other platform. The site features an option for free registration at the top.

You can choose this and continue with the proceedings. In case the language becomes a barrier, you can contact an agent in China to work this out for you.

How Can I Find The Hot Sales On 1688.Com?

Just like other e-commerce sites, 1688 also features its hot sales with hovering images at the beginning of the site. These images shift with time, showing the trending items on sale.

What Is Cheaper, 1688.Com Or Dhgate.Com?

The choice depends upon the type of business that you own. The shipping costs from 1688 are high for small businesses.

They are accompanied by currency conversions, customs, international shipping costs, domestic shipping costs, and much more.

If you’re a small business and want to ship products internationally, then choosing Dhgate will be a viable choice.
Suggested reading: Websites Like Dhgate

How Do I Place An Order On 1688.Com?

It’s pretty simple. All you need to do is to locate the products that you want to buy from the platform.

Then contact the agent that will source the products for you and will negotiate the price with the supplier.

Once that is done, you’ll need to pay the payment and the agent’s commission as well as the domestic shipping fee. The order will be placed and you can wait for the products to arrive at your warehouse.

Is 1688 Dropshipping Cheaper Than AliExpress Dropshipping?

Yes. 1688 intends to accommodate direct manufacturers and wholesalers. Therefore, the rate provided by the factory owner will be lower than the rate provided by the distributor or intermediary. In AliExpress, sellers increase revenue through advertising.

Suggested reading: Alibaba vs Dhgate
Suggested reading: Aliexpress VS Dhgate

Final Thoughts On 1688 Dropshipping

There are lots of factors that decide the success or failure of the dropshipping business, product price is just very small as you see BMW and Mercedes Benz are expensive but they sell very well while some Chinese cars are very cheap they do not have good sales. Product quality, design and brand influence as well as marketing strategy are key to the dropshipping business.

It’s a good choice for people who want to source products from China at the most reasonable price. If you wish to operate on 1688 for your dropshipping needs, it is recommended that you take the assistance of a 1688 dropshipping agent.

Hiring a dropshipping agent will not only get you in the domestic market but will also help in obtaining orders and negotiating with the suppliers.

Working on 1688 is difficult since the site is exclusively for China’s domestic market.

However, an agent such as LeelineSourcing which is an expert in China’s sourcing services will make the entire process easier, hit us a message right now.

Wholesale Best 1688 Dropshipping Products


Wholesale Badminton


Wholesale Purses


Wholesale Jewelry


Wholesale Wigs

Medical Protective Suit

Wholesale Medical Protective Suit


Wholesale TV

Our 1688 Manufacturing Services Include:

Sourcing product suppliers

Sourcing Product Suppliers

We will get you access to verified 1688 suppliers who offer the best competitive prices. We locate factories with the lowest prices possible, follow up on the production, and ship your products. You’ll receive a detailed real-time report in less than 48 hours on your quotation.

Product Quality Control

We thoroughly conduct routine inspections of each product at the factory before shipping. You can choose a random inspection or a full inspection. Through us, improve the praise rate of your store.

Product Quality Control
Private Label & White Label

Private Label & White Label Products

Our graphic designers will team up with you to ensure your branded logo designs and prints are perfect. Our professional printing services are budget-friendly. Through this, you’ll get the best from 1688 suppliers and boost your brand sales. 

Dropshipping and Fulfillment

Your orders will get to your customers on time and in good shape using our shipping services. We use different shipping options, such as FedEx, 4PX and YunExpress, etc, depending on your needs. Our swift order fulfillment services will increase your customer retention.  

Dropshipping & Fulfillment

Hear it from fellow 1688 Wholesaler

I have been working with Leelinesourcing for a long time, and they make product sourcing easy. They help me to design and develop my product, place and track orders, and other more excellent features. Customer service is always available 24/7 to resolve any issue. Overall, they are amazing

– Sheila, Florida

Source Your Products and Make Big Money

We offer the best wholesale price and high quality products to help you boost your business.

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Article by:

Sharline Shaw

Hey I'm Sharline, the founder of Leeline Sourcing. With 10 years of experience in the field of sourcing in China, we help 2000+ clients import from China,Alibaba,1688 to Amazon FBA or shopify. If you have any questions about sourcing , pls feel free to contact us.

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Mia Wong
Mia Wong
April 18, 2024 9:34 am

Thanks for the thorough guide on starting a dropshipping business with 1688. Your tips on managing supplier relationships and optimizing logistics are spot on and very practical for getting started.

Alice Johnson
Alice Johnson
April 17, 2024 9:35 am

Helpful post on 1688 dropshipping. Could you elaborate on how to integrate it with Western e-commerce platforms? Struggling a bit there. Thanks!

Emily Johnson
Emily Johnson
April 16, 2024 8:31 am

Great introduction to dropshipping with 1688! I’m considering this for my online store. Can you suggest any strategies for integrating 1688 with Western e-commerce platforms?

Alex Brown
Alex Brown
April 8, 2024 8:41 am

Dropshipping from 1688 seems much more approachable with this guide. Does anyone have success stories to share?

Carlos Ramirez
Carlos Ramirez
April 3, 2024 8:29 am

The potential of 1688 for dropshipping is intriguing. I’m curious about the logistics and quality control for overseas shipments.

Mike Lee
Mike Lee
April 2, 2024 6:40 am

What a revelation! Your breakdown of 1688 for dropshipping has opened new doors for my business. Appreciate the clarity and depth of information.

Sara Jennings
Sara Jennings
April 1, 2024 2:58 am

Great insights on dropshipping from 1688. I’m curious, how does it stack up against AliExpress for someone just starting out? Looking for ease of use and reliability.

Alex Ramirez
Alex Ramirez
March 29, 2024 7:25 am

Dropshipping from 1688 seems like a game-changer for small businesses. Your step-by-step guide makes navigating this platform seem far less daunting. Cheers for the tips!

Emma T
March 28, 2024 9:28 am

Thanks for the clear steps on dropshipping from 1688. This article is a game-changer for my ecommerce strategy!

Mike Brown
Mike Brown
March 27, 2024 8:25 am

Dropshipping from 1688 could change the game for small businesses! Recommendations for handling logistics and quality with 1688 suppliers?

Alex Green
Alex Green
March 26, 2024 6:42 am

This guide on leveraging 1688 for dropshipping is a game-changer! The step-by-step approach simplifies what seemed daunting. Looking forward to applying these strategies.

March 23, 2024 1:27 am

Dropshipping from 1688.com could really cut costs. Your breakdown makes it approachable. Curious about handling customer service issues that might arise?

Last edited 1 month ago by Casey
Elena Rodriguez
Elena Rodriguez
March 22, 2024 6:49 am

Just dove into dropshipping and this post is a lifesaver! Do you have any advice for someone trying to balance quality and cost when choosing products from 1688.com?

Oliver Thompson
Oliver Thompson
March 21, 2024 6:49 am

This article just opened my eyes to the possibilities with 1688.com for dropshipping! I’ve been struggling with finding reliable suppliers for my store. Any advice on negotiating prices without compromising quality?

Michael Adams
Michael Adams
March 20, 2024 6:08 am

Wow, what an eye-opening read! I had no idea about the potential of dropshipping from 1688 until stumbling upon this post. The detailed insights and practical advice shared here have definitely sparked my interest. Can’t wait to explore this further and see how it can benefit my business.

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