How to Become a Profitable Amazon Handmade Seller

Amazon Handmade allows artisans to bring forth creative illustrations.

This not only helps in outclassing in terms of results but bringing innovation that surpasses others.

Do you have a thing for handcrafted goods, and you are looking for a platform to deliver your handcrafted goods to the public?

Amazon has a unique solution for you to reach millions of customers and expand your customer base.

So, if you want to make a business out of your unique artistic skills, then you can do so by becoming an Amazon Handmade seller.

handmade at amazon banner

We have broken it all down for you from how to successfully become an Amazon Handmade seller to comparing Amazon Handmade vs Esty and Amazon Handmade vs Amazon. Keep reading to find out more:

What is Amazon Handmade?

Amazon Handmade (or officially Handmade at Amazon) is a community designed specifically for Artisans. It empowers them with tools that are necessary for them to showcase their products. Crafters, artists, and DIY-ers from all over the world can sell their one-of-a-kind, unique products to people around the world.

Amazon Handmade is different from regular Amazon in terms of seller accounts and business models. Everything that is sold on Amazon Handmade has to be handmade, hand-assembled, or hand altered. And you also actually have to be invited by Amazon and then approved by it before you can start selling your products on Handmade. Moreover, you can not sell any kind of mass-produced products on Amazon Handmade.

According to Amazon, Amazon Handmade aims to bring the friendly experience, the value you love, convenience, and trust about Amazon to the world of unique, handmade goods.

A few examples of the products that are sold on Amazon Handmade include:

  • Clothing
  • Jewellery
  • Paintings
  • Scarves
  • Hats
  • Pillows
  • Rugs
  • Pins
  • Soap
  • Books
  • Candles
  • Dolls
  • Pet Toys
  • Wooden Toys
  • Hair Accessories

Whatā€™s the difference between Amazon and Amazon Handmade?

Amazon Handmade might sound like a separate entity or a completely different marketplace that you have to visit separately from Amazon. But it is not.

Amazon handmade is actually just a category of goods that you can find within Amazonā€™s regular marketplace just like other categories such as ā€˜Amazon Pantryā€™ or ā€˜Booksā€™.

So, when a customer visits Amazonā€™s official site and searches for products, it is all done within the categories section of Amazon. And the Handmade category can be easily found there.

However, if a customer searches only through the Handmade goods category, then the search results shown will only display results that show items within the handmade category or its subcategories.

Pros and cons of Amazon Handmade

Amazon handmade may or may not be right for you depending on where you stand according to your business goals. Let us go over Amazon handmadeā€™s pros and cons to see whether it is for you or not:


1.Higher Profits:

Amazon handmade sellers have better profits as compared to people selling on other selling platforms. For example, according to a report, 28 percent of Amazon Handmade sellers make profit margins above 25 percent as compared to others.

Higher Profits 1

2.Commendable Affordability:

Amazon Handmade is also quite affordable when it comes to charging fees from sellers. It charges its sellers 15 percent fee per sale and does not charge any listing fees. You do not have to worry about any hidden charges because Handmade provides an accurate breakdown of the fees in the Manage Inventory dashboard.

3.Massive Reach:

If you decide to sell on Amazon handmade rest assured you will get a lot of potential customers very quickly. More than 90 percent of US consumers refer to Amazon and that is why Amazon has 2.5 billion monthly visits. So, if you want to sell and expand your business online, then Amazon Handmade is the place for you.

4.Seamless Fulfillment:

If you choose to sell Amazon FBA, then you will not have to do anything. Amazon will fulfill and ship your order on your behalf. But if you want to ship your orders yourself then you can do so through Amazon FBM.

5.No Expiry Date:

Another benefit that comes with Amazon Handmade is that your listings never expire. In addition, you also do not need any UPC codes to sell your handmade products.


1.Limited Engagement with the Customers:

Just like when you sell on Amazon as other seller or a private label, Amazon Handmade also prevents you from having any access to your customer data. The biggest drawback of this is that you are unable to build an email list from your Amazon handmade customers for your business.

Limited Engagement with the Customers5

2.Delayed Payments:

Though you get paid as soon as you mark your order as shipped, you still have to wait until the money is deposited.

3.User-Unfriendly Dashboard:

As compared to other selling platforms such as Etsy, the listing functions, and features on amazon handmade seller central are not as well laid out. Plus, some components can overwhelm new sellers if are not familiar with its navigation.

4.Slow Moving Application Process:

To stick to the essence of Amazon Handmade, Amazon takes its time making sure that you are actually making your products. So, you have to prove it that you are not getting your products manufactured by someone else. This process can take up to 2 weeks and, then you can get approved to sell on Amazon Handmade.

5.Limited Scope:

You do not get to choose from a lot of categories on Amazon handmade. As a matter of fact, you only get to sell in one of 14 categories that Amazon Handmade offers which is surprisingly low.

Amazon Handmade vs. Etsy

Etsy used to be the only favourite marketplace for handmade goods up to 10 years before Amazon launched Amazon Handmade. Ever since Amazon Handmade has been drawing comparisons with Etsy. Both are the most well-known online marketplaces for handmade goods.

Amazon Handmade vs. Etsy

That being said, both look like amazing options if you are looking to sell your handcrafted products, but if you want an amazon handmade vs Esty comparison, then continue reading:


On Etsy, handmade products are a part of a larger spectrum rather than being classified by a black and white definition. Etsy defines handmade as something that is being designed or made by a seller. So, on Etsy, sellers are more than welcome to work with a manufacturing partner or a production company. But they have to disclose this in their product listing.

Amazon Handmade, on the other side of the story, only allows products that are strictly made by hand and are not produced by a factory. So, artisans can only sell under the handmade marketplace.

Suggested reading: Top 50 Trending Products To Sell Online


The shopping experience when it comes to amazon handmade vs Esty also differs greatly.

On Esty, when customers have to shop for handmade products, all they have to do is to visit the main site and begin browsing. Moreover, to make the experience easier the customerā€™s homepage shows curated guides including editorā€™s product choices, recent buyer reviews, and recently viewed items.

In addition, if you know the name of the store that you want to visit on Etsy, then it will be easier for you to locate it on Etsy. Just type or and you will be directed straight to the shop you want to visit.

Amazon handmade, on the other hand, has different curated collections on the display for the customer to shop through. You can also explore interesting finds on Amazon handmade if you want to learn more about the artisans on Amazon.

Other than that, you have to click on your desired category on Amazon Handmade if you want to go to that page. After you are at your desired destination, you can filter out further by searching a more specific criteria.

Shipping and fulfilment

Etsy has some amazing shipping policies that are competitive with Amazonā€™s prime shipping. Etsy allows its customers to filter search results by choosing ā€˜ready to ship in 1 business dayā€™ or ā€˜free shippingā€™. This cleverly caters to customers who are pressed for time because usually, goods can take a few weeks time to be shipped.

Sellers on Etsy provide the shipping times that help the buyers to calculate the exact shipping cost. All they have to do it is to scroll to the bottom of the product page.

Amazon Handmade, however, takes things up several notches with Amazon Prime. With over 5,000 products being prime eligible, the prime members can order products from the handmade section and receive their products within 2 days. This attracts customers that need their goods as soon as possible.

In order to let buyers know that they can ship products within the 2-day shipping window, artisans can display a Prime Badge. And if an artisan on Amazon handmade, does not display a Prime badge, it is automatically assumed that the artisan handles the selling and shipping on his/her own.


Etsy offers a lot of payment methods in different shops for sellers to pick from. Sellers can choose from a variety of options including gift cards, PayPal, apple pay, Android pay, debit cards, checks, money orders or credit cards. Furthermore, there is another option that allows buyers to speak directly to the seller if they want to go with an alternative payment plan. For example, understanding concepts like what are Amazon deferred transactions can also help sellers manage payment timelines effectively, ensuring smoother cash flow and financial planning.

Amazon handmade offers the same payment plan that regular Amazon offers. So, you pay the same way that you would if you place a regular Amazon order. Amazon also accepts a variety of payment methods including gift cards, eligible rewards program points, credit cards, debit cards, Amazon Pay, and checking accounts.


The product categories are a bit similar if you take a closer look at the amazon handmade vs Esty comparison.

Etsy offers the following categories:

  • Vintage
  • Arts and Collectibles
  • Toys and Entertainment
  • Craft Supplies and Tools
  • Wedding and Party
  • Clothing and Shoes
  • Home and Living
  • Jewellery and Accessories

While Amazon Handmade also offers a similar line-up of categories such as:

  • Beauty and Grooming
  • Pet
  • Baby
  • Toys and Games
  • Home and Kitchen
  • Wedding, Stationery and Party
  • Clothing and Shoes
  • Jewellery, Handbags and Accessories

15 Popular Handmade Items You Can Sell On Amazon

If you want to become successful on Handmade and have the best amazon handmade reviews on your shop, then target the products that sell the most. Fortunately, we have done all the research for you and highlighted the most popular handcrafted products that you can sell on Amazon handmade. Read on to find out:


Who doesnā€™t love clothes, and that too handmade? Handmade clothes have a nice, homely touch to them that everyone wants to snuggle in. That is why the clothing category is the most popular category in handmade items.

handmade clothing


Customized jewellery is another one of the most bought items on Amazon handmade. Mostly because whenever people want to buy cute and aesthetically pleasing jewellery, they trust Amazon.

Handmade Jewellery


Home decor is an industry that keeps flourishing. Paintings are the best way to turn a boring room into something interesting. So, if you have a knack for paintings and you want to earn money, then start selling your paintings on Amazon handmade.



Scarves are a fashion accessory that never goes out of style. You can style a scarf in any way you want throughout the whole year. So, scarves are another good category that you rummage through if you want to make some serious profit.

Home Scarves


Hats are another great way of earning on Amazon handmade. When it comes to hats that is a very broad marketplace so you can market a lot of options.

handmade Hats


Everyone loves to add more pillows to their bed, lounge, and sofa in order to make things look beautiful while also taking care of comfort. So, if you want to make a good profit, then go for pillows.

handmade Pillows


Rugs are a category that people have recently started to love. From traditional rugs that give off the perfect Arabian vibes to eccentric rugs with unique patterns, you will find a lot of potential customers on this category.

handmade Rugs


Handmade embellished pins are the best new trend on the internet. So, if you want to expand your business then try venturing in pins with unique designs and patterns.



Handmade soap is another emerging trend nowadays. With so many Youtubers taking part in videos where they make handmade soap, the demand for soaps has also increased. So, if you want to try a new venture then soaps are the one.

handmade Soap


Books are every book lovers dream and if you want to sell books on amazon handmade, then we will highly recommend you to do so.


Candles are another one of the most bought items on Amazon handmade. People love customized candles with interesting colours and intriguing fragrances. So, if you are looking for a good way to earn money on Amazon handmade then candles are the best for you.

handmade Candles


If you love making dolls then handmadeā€™s dolls category is made for you. Design as many dolls as you want and, then sell them on Amazon handmade to earn some profit.

handmade Dolls

13.Pet Toys

People love to have pets and then love to shower their pets with gifts. The category of pet toys is one of the most visited categories on Amazon and that explains a lot.

Pet Toys

14.Wooden Toys

Wooden toys are also another form of toys that can earn you a lot of money. Wooden toys take the lead because of their rustic look.

handmade Wooden Toys

15.Hair Accessories

Last but not the least, if you want to sell in a category related to hair and fashion then hair accessories is the best category for you. So, what are you waiting for, go on Amazon and check all the categories and start selling.

handmade Hair Accessories

How to sell on Amazon Handmade?

If you already are selling your products on the regular Amazon Handmade US, then you are eligible to list your products on all the websites that fall under the Amazon European marketplaces i.e.,,, and

However, if you are just getting started, you will be required to fill out a form by Amazon to initiate your process of becoming an Amazon handmade seller. Most importantly, the first thing that you will need to sell on Amazon handmade is an Amazon account.

Let us look at the steps that you need to follow to sell on Amazon Handmade:

1.Register to sell on Amazon Handmade

Just like we mentioned earlier, you need to receive an invitation by Amazon to start selling on Amazon Handmade. Once you get invited you will receive an invitation email with a link to start your handmade seller registration process.

After the acceptance to sell your handmade products on Amazon Handmade, you will receive an email that will explain to you how to set up your handmade seller account. At this point, you must have an amazon seller account to get started on handmade. If you already have an individual Amazon seller account, then you must upgrade it to a professional seller account to sell handcrafted items.

2.Create your Artisan Profile

Once you are accepted and registered, you need to make your own custom URL to build your handcrafted store. Once you have made your URL, use it to share your story, display your work and connect with potential customers.

Remember one thing, an artisan profile on Amazon handmade is just like a storefront. So, keep in mind that it will be what you share with your customers so they can look at your products and buy them.

When creating your Artisan Profile, fill out every section. There are three and each one of them must be filled out completely. Amazon handmade also does not give its sellers any control over the text spacing on the page. Hence, do not write too much or you will end up with walls of text on the page and it can put your customers off.

Last but not the least, before you set up your products, do not forget to add professional shots of your workspace and your products. This way you can attract a larger audience and sell more crafts on Amazon.

3.Set up your products

Setting up products on Amazon Handmade is not that difficult of a task, thanks to Amazonā€™s simple listing tool. Amazonā€™s listing tool guides the sellers through the process of adding the handmade items to their stores.

Product listings on Amazon are totally free and they never expire. Moreover, Amazon allows you to copy a product listing once you have designed it. This way you can easily populate your store especially if you have a lot of similar handcrafted items.

And that is all that you need to do to get started on Amazon handmade. If you need more guidance, then you can also go through Amazonā€™s extensive guides. If you do not want to get lost in the details, then all you have to do is to follow these three steps and you are good to go.

Suggested reading: Amazon Product Photography for Your Website

How Leeline Sourcing Help You Import Handmade Products From China

leeline sourcing

Finding the right kind of supplier that deals in the best quality handcrafted products is a tedious task. And if you successfully find one that does offer good products, negotiating the price and placing the order is a whole other story. If you need someone to help you with importing handmade products, then Leeline Sourcing is perfect for you. Leeline Sourcing has a smooth procedure that involves getting the products from a supplier and delivering them safely to your doorstep. Letā€™s take a detailed look at how Leeline Sourcing helps people import handmade products form china:

1.Identify a Good Handmade Supplier

Identifying a good supplier is the first step when it comes to the importation of handmade products. Identifying a supplier that is not fit for the job, can seriously sabotage your business. Fortunately, Leeline Sourcing does it for you. It takes care of the supplier and makes sure to only select the one that fits the job the best.

The team at Leeline Sourcing ensures that the supplier has production capabilities, expertise in your target market, ethical compliance, cooperation with third party QC and regulatory compliance. Once a supplier meets the criteria, Leeline Sourcing moves on to settling on a final price.

2.Negotiate and get the best handmade products price

Negotiating for a price is an equally important step because many suppliers tend to overcharge for the products. Leeline Sourcing takes care of it as well. After the team at Leeline Sourcing finds a suitable supplier that is the best culture fit, they negotiate for the price. You can stay assured that you will only get the best price if you choose to work with Leeline Sourcing.

3.Place Your Order

After everything is settled, Leeline Sourcing places your order as soon as it is finalized. Leeline has a very defined process for placing new orders and managing the older ones. Their team makes sure that everything is correct on your information file and that you get your handcrafted products as soon as possible.

4.Tariffs On Chinese Imports Solution

Owing to the trade war, China has a list of Tariffs that it charges on a lot of the products getting imported from china. This discourages buyers to import from China because as the amount increases the tariff also increases. But with Leeline Sourcing, you do not have to worry about it. Leeline Sourcing takes care of Chinese Tariffs solution very effortlessly. And before you even know it your products are being shipped to your house.

5.Arrange For Cargo Transport

Once the order has been placed, the best price has been agreed upon and tariffs had been dealt with, the only thing that is left is to get your products transferred to your place. Leeline Sourcing takes matter into its own hands and makes sure that you only get the best cargo service, and your products are safely delivered.

Once you have a cargo full of your stuff, it is only a matter of days before you get your handcrafted products delivered right to your doorstep, thanks to Leeline Sourcing.

6.Final Thoughts On Amazon Handmade Seller

Amazon handmade might not be the best choice for every vendor out there. But if you already have an established, reliable, and speedy production procedure then it is perfect for you. But before you make your account on Amazon handmade, make sure that you have all the information about amazon handmade seller central and Amazon handmade shipping. You can read more about the amazon handmade reviews for more information. The best part about Amazon handmade is that after you have passed the application process and listed your products, you wonā€™t have to pay anything to amazon. You will only pay to amazon once you have made a sale.

But if you think that importing handmade products from China is a difficult task for you and you are not able to do it alone, then Leeline Sourcing has got your back. When it comes to importing handmade products, Leeline Sourcing deals with every step along the way. From identifying a good supplier to arranging cargo transport to get your products delivered to your doorstep, Leeline Sourcing has got everything covered. Besides, it also makes sure that you get the best price by negotiating with the seller. So, if you want to become a successful amazon handmade seller then Leeline Sourcing is the best way to go.

FAQ For amazon handmade seller

Here are a few FAQs about selling on Amazon Handmade that will help clear the concept even more:

1.Who can sell on Handmade?

The amazon Handmade store is for every artisan to sell their handmade items and connect with millions of potential customers all over the world. If you make handcrafted products, you can sell them on Amazon handmade. You must go through an application process which Amazon uses to add new artisans to its Handmade category. This ensures that customers can buy whatever they want with confidence.

2.Is Amazon handmade better than Etsy?

Both platforms have their pros and cons. Though Amazon charges a little higher than Etsy, it also gives you a bigger customer base as compared to Etsy. Etsy lets you connect to over 35 million potential customers. Amazon, on the other hand, allows you to access a jaw dropping potential customer base of more than 300 million people. So, while Etsy has a lower cost with a lower number of clients, Amazon has one of the biggest customer bases but at a higher cost.

3.Is it worth it to sell on Amazon handmade?

Amazon handmade undoubtedly comes with a big advantage: you get access to Amazonā€™s ginormous customer base. Another advantage that you get with Amazon handmade is Amazonā€™s large reach. Your potential customers consist of people who are already on Amazon and they are used to shopping on Amazon. So, with so much potential, you should give Amazon handmade a shot. Businesses tend to grow faster on Amazon, so it is worth it to sell as an amazon handmade seller.

4.What does it cost to sell on Amazon Handmade?

Joining Amazon Handmade as an amazon handmade seller central, creating your shop profile, and listing your handcrafted products is completely free.

During the registration process, you will have to register with a Professional selling plan. The plan gives you tools along that you need to grow your business. While the Professional selling plan costs $39.99 per month for a regular Amazon Seller, this monthly fee is completely waived for Handmade products artisans.

5.What percentage does Amazon handmade take?

Amazon handmade actually does not charge any listing fees for listing handcrafted products on it. Though, there is a 15 percent fee per sale. So, when you sell a product from your shop, Amazon handmade will deduct a 15 percent referral fee from the cost.

6.What handmade items sell the best?

Products like cotton face masks, customized candles, customized air pods cases, wall art, jewellery, baby gifts, and room decor items sell the best on Amazon. So, if you are planning to become an amazon handmade seller target those categories that sell the best so you can make the best profit.

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Article by:

Sharline Shaw

Hey I'm Sharline, the founder of Leeline Sourcing. With 10 years of experience in the field of sourcing in China, we help 2000+ clients import from China,Alibaba,1688 to Amazon FBA or shopify. If you have any questions about sourcing , pls feel free to contact us.

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Emma Wilson
Emma Wilson
April 18, 2024 9:27 am

This article is a treasure trove for anyone considering becoming an Amazon Handmade seller. The detailed steps and tips are perfect for getting started right. Thanks for sharing your expertise!

Isabella Lee
Isabella Lee
April 16, 2024 9:35 am

As someone interested in joining Amazon Handmade, your post provided a lot of valuable information. What are the main challenges you see for new sellers in this marketplace?

Devon C.
Devon C.
April 9, 2024 9:28 am

This is the roadmap I needed to start my Amazon Handmade journey! Your step-by-step guide makes navigating the process seem much less daunting. I’m curious, do you have any specific tips for standing out in such a creative marketplace?

Mark Wilson
Mark Wilson
April 3, 2024 9:25 am

The Amazon Handmade vs. AliExpress comparison sheds light on niche markets for artisans. It’s fascinating to see how different platforms cater to handmade goods.

Emily Carson
Emily Carson
April 2, 2024 7:38 am

For artisans considering Amazon Handmade, this article provides a thorough overview of the platform’s benefits and challenges.

Sophia Rodriguez
Sophia Rodriguez
April 1, 2024 6:09 am

The insights into becoming an Amazon Handmade seller are invaluable, especially for artisans looking to expand online. Anyone here made the leap and willing to share their story?

Samira Green
Samira Green
March 29, 2024 7:14 am

This guide is a boon for artisans looking to expand their reach. Any specific marketing tips for handmade sellers new to Amazon?

Mason Wilson
Mason Wilson
March 27, 2024 9:58 am

The niche of handmade products on Amazon is intriguing. How do you see this platform competing with more established craft-focused marketplaces?

Isabella Martinez
Isabella Martinez
March 26, 2024 7:58 am

Isabella here, exploring Amazon Handmade as a selling platform is an exciting avenue for artisans. Your insights have been eye-opening and inspiring. Thanks a bunch!

Sophia Patel
Sophia Patel
March 25, 2024 9:29 am

Exceptional guide for those looking to break into the Amazon Handmade marketplace! The insights on maximizing profit margins and the comparison with Etsy are incredibly useful for artisans like myself. It’s encouraging to see platforms supporting the creativity and hard work of handmade artisans. Has anyone found a specific niche within Amazon Handmade that’s particularly lucrative?

March 23, 2024 2:15 am

Navigating Amazon Handmade as a seller can be complex. Your detailed guide is a beacon for artisans like myself. Any advice for standing out in such a saturated marketplace?

Sophia Patel
Sophia Patel
March 22, 2024 8:46 am

Really appreciate the breakdown of becoming an Amazon Handmade seller. What are the top marketing strategies you’d recommend for getting noticed in such a niche market on Amazon?

Julia Santos
Julia Santos
March 21, 2024 8:54 am

This deep dive into becoming an Amazon Handmade seller is incredibly enlightening. For artisans just starting out, how competitive is the marketplace, and what can new sellers do to stand out?

Jenna Simmons
Jenna Simmons
March 20, 2024 9:11 am

This guide’s a great starting point for handmade enthusiasts! Curious if anyone has tips on standout product photography?

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